Some times seemingly bad things happen then turn out to be good in a strange package.
#1This soil ordeal as I look at it and saw all the hard work and worry about the future gardens my husband is now so into fixing the problem. This has lit a garden / grow your own food fire under his feet. Never before has he cared so much about gardening. Always seemed to him why spend all that effort for a can of corn when you can just go to the store and spend the .50 cents. It's not that way any more.
#2We talk together learn together and even went to a home show that Paul Stamets had a booth at. Fungi Perfecti LLC It was the best date we had been on in a long long time. We got info straight from the horses mouth
books and even an indoor mushroom patch. Growing like gang busters! That later will go into the garden.
#3 Now we have both agreed that we are not going to bring in any thing at all unless there is just no other way. We will be growing crops (not sure exactly what yet) just for mulch and compost. plus our trash can is consistently emptier due to composting every single thing we can. My husband even now wants to grow worms! I just can't believe it.
#4The neighbors why it's been hard to deal with them they are my in-laws. But now after everything my husband is ready to have a long talk with his dad. After 31 years of marriage you'd think I would have been able to get through to my father in-law. Just different coming from your son & that's ok. In fact getting two people (husband and father in-law) to see a better way than just using chemicals for every thing was worth the problems I am having in my garden.
It is real close to planting time I did't start seeds indoors or the green house because I did not know where I would be growing this year. So as soon as the daily rains stop I will no wait WE will till and double dig (I know I' not that big on tilling or digging either) all of the garden area together mixing the soil from the pathway and beds adding in all the compost we have and just plant it in some kind of cover crop just not sure what yet and then try to get some mushrooms in there. Then bring in some worms and some leftovers from our burn pile. Lord knows the soil has been washed very well with all this rain. So taking my cue from mother nature of patience and time. It will be a wait and see thing. Who knows it may turn out to be the best garden ever. In the mean time I no WE will just have to garden in another area for the time being. I always wanted more space but doing all of that with just one person and no equipment well it has always been just to much. (Hubby is apprehensive with me an more power since the time I bought myself a chainsaw. Whats a girl to do I wanted a sliding glass door off the kitchen and his saw was to heavy for me to handle. In hind sight he did have a point to wait until after the snow storm before you cut a huge hole in the side of the house. But in my defense how can you watch the beauty of the snow without a window? sorry babbling ) Now maybe I can get that
tractor!! The trouble I could get into heehee Thanks for all the info keep it coming