Cultivate abundance for people, plants and wildlife - Growing with Nature
Up my veggie production. Finish three garden beds, build a new one, and continue to maintain my 3 other hugel/garden beds. Focusing on growing beets, squash, radishes, beans/peas, carrots,broccoli, tomatilloesand maybe potatoes. I didn't plant broccoli or tomotillos, but my potatoes and kale and radishes did great. I grew squash and carrots, too, with some sucess. The peas, green beans, and beets didn't like me
(2)Plant at least two more fruit trees (one of which will be my baby's 1 Year fruit tree).I planted a pear for my daugher, a plum, a fig tree, and two paw-paws, as well as honeyberry and sochi tea shrubs!
(3)Expand my berry production further, transplanting golden raspberries into my salmonberry hedges and thimbleberries into the woods.I succeeded here, too!
(4) Get the himalayan blackberry and bindweed under control. This was really hard to attempt with a baby on my chest. And, so it didn't get done!
(5)Get my property back in shape since I couldn't do much last year (trim the paths, weed/replant my fruit tree guilds)Other than the blackberries and bindweed, most of the property does look better. It still needs more work, but it is better!
List of Bryant RedHawk's Epic Soil Series Threads We love visitors, that's why we live in a secluded cabin deep in the woods. "Buzzard's Roost (Asnikiye Heca) Farm." Promoting permaculture to save our planet.
Audrey Olivier wrote:Hi Bryant. What are AGH's?
"People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do."
Cultivate abundance for people, plants and wildlife - Growing with Nature
Daron Williams wrote:What does under control mean for you?
It's never too late to start! I retired to homestead on the slopes of Mauna Loa, an active volcano. I relate snippets of my endeavor on my blog :
Nicole Alderman wrote: Weeeell, our property has multiple salmonberry/Himalayan blackberry hedges (it came with them), as well as a protected wetland (and where it boarders our yard/pasture is also blackberry/salmonberry. If left to it's designs, the blackberry and salmonberry would take over the yard, and there wouldn't be any place for the ducks to forage. So, we try to hack back the blackberry and salmonberry so they stay in their own territory. I also try to encourage the hedges to be composed more of salmonberries and thimbleberries and am also introducing raspberries.
To do this, I go along with pruning shears, or--if I don't have to worry about my little ones being near by--with a machete or scythe and hack back the blackberry. We also try to mow the pasture/lawn at least twice per growing season to hamper it's growth further (and to get fresh grass growing, as the ducks can't/don't eat tough grass.) And, we try to plant other plants to add to the diversity of the hedge, and to help out compete the invasive blackberry.
In places where I have bindweed, I actually prune the invasive blackberry to encourage more growth--as I'd rather have blackberries that I can eat and are yummy, than bindweed that I cannot eat.
Cultivate abundance for people, plants and wildlife - Growing with Nature
Su Ba wrote:I posted this on my blog a couple of days ago. It applies nicely to this discussion I think.
Highlights looking back....(as explanation, these were some of my projects from 2017)
...found a successful solution to growing slug-free greens & carrots
...came up with an affordable (for me, that is) greenhouse to thwart the pickleworm moth
...had great success in learning to grow cucumbers (a difficult crop in my area)
...learned that creating a steady farm income requires a lot of time. I also learned that as of yet, I don't have enough time to devote to steady farm income. I still have too many other projects that need to be finished first.
...managed to create 1/4 acre more of edible pasture. It's a slow task, removing undergrowth, thinning trees, adding soil amendments, getting something edible to grow.
...added a Wwoofer/caretaker
...added a new puppy to the family
...invited to Kapapala Ranch -- thrice! (This is a very large working cattle ranch not far from me.)
Looking forward....
...finish the bathroom an outdoor deck and add a hot tub
...put a new roof on the house
...get the refrig and freezer onto their own small solar system
...get all the greenhouses into production
...develop a steady farm income
As you know, I'm not into New Year's resolutions. Why set myself up for failure, along with the accompanying guilt, stress, and depression? Sure I'd like to lose weight, get rid of bad habits, accomplish great tasks...just like most people. But I'm happier if I refrain from resolutions and just stick with a few sensible ideas for priority projects I'd like to work on. If they get completed, fine. If not, then I'll just continue to plug away and enjoy working on them as I go.
Cultivate abundance for people, plants and wildlife - Growing with Nature
Cultivate abundance for people, plants and wildlife - Growing with Nature
Until you dig a hole, plant a tree, water it and make it survive, you haven't done a thing - Wangari Maathai
A rocket mass heater heats your home with one tenth the wood of a conventional wood stove