It is not clear from your post as to the relative proportions of clay vs. sandy, chert soils. Considering your area, if you have termite issues, you may also have fire ant issues. Since cob is generally mixed and packed in a monolithic construction mode, it may be safer than either earth bag or straw bale. Most earth bag construction does not call for much compaction. Either termites or fire
ants may be able to penetrate into the non-compacted soil interior and take up residence, not a pleasant possibility. Straw bale construction usually uses a form of cob, but due to the thickness, the cob coating may be thin
enough for burrowing insects or rodents to breach. Your observations on red cedar are useful. Red cedar tends to deter insects of all types, therefore, using red cedar in cob might also deflect fire ants or other insect pests. Just ensure sufficient straw in the cob to provide the longitudinal support to the mix. Observe the cob carefully when placing to keep unmixed straw or other materials from forming potential voids.
As a thought, have you considered rammed earth construction? Similar to cob, it allows a monolithic wall that resists intrusion. If you have both clayey and sandy soils, it
should be easier to get a good ramming mix. The advantage to this is the more vertical and even walls that can be constructed. Constructing walls of rammed earth blocks also would allow mismatching from one vertical run to the next, making intrusion more difficult. Rammed earth can also be placed in old tires to allow tighter vertical walls. bolt tires together and ram the earth into the tires. Walls of this type of construction are incredibly strong and I have seen
concrete trucks driven on such a rammed earth wall. Just ensure that there is some method of providing a solid vertical connection from the foundation to the roof to provide resistance to high wind forces. If you are in some areas of the southeast, such as the Piedmont of South Carolina, ensure there is reinforcement to any type of construction used to cover earthquake loading. Check the USGS earthquake maps ( ) to see what risk area you live in. Fortunately, resistance to earthquake is also good for wind pressures so long as care is maintained to keep a strong vertical connection (known in building codes as a continuous load path, for the roof.
Hope this is not too technical.