Skandi Rogers wrote:You probably need to contact the relevant authorities on that, here the freezer needs to be inspected with daily temperature logs taken (or made up later whistles*) There's legal limits on how long you can keep things frozen, but from a quality point of view it's going to depend on the packaging, vacuum packed in thick plastic lasts indefinitely. Of course multiple slaughter times reduces the space you need in the freezers, and stops them having to be run half empty.
Wes Hunter wrote:Another consideration with sheep is to lamb seasonally, but process in batches. Take some to slaughter at 6 months, and some at 12 months. They're both still "lamb." You might even find the latter more profitable, as you'll have larger butcher weights but will pay a flat rate for processing.
We do this, to a degree, with chickens. We raise slow-growing heritage breeds, slaughtering some at 8-9 weeks as "poussin," some at 12 weeks as "broilers," some (most) at 16-18 weeks as "fryers," and some at 20+ weeks as "roasters." One batch, many slaughter days.
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