... just posted to listings for a Permaculture Farm in Uruguay ---
noticed that they ended up UNINTENTIONALLY under "voluteers" ---
(for a Gardener and for a Handyman-woman)
Please advise HOW TO correct such and transfer it to the proper site ...
THANKS Nicole for your efforts(!) --- this works for me ---
HOWEVER, there is a second thread for a Handyman-woman for the Perma-
Farm .... would you mind doing the same for that listing ... (!?)
Would you also like these added to intentional community? I can't tell if you're looking at having a community of a few people/families, or more having people work for you.
Thanks AGAIN Nicole --- and YES, PLEASE add it to 'International'
AND the Handy-person can Rent for US$1.00 per month several acres of good Perma-land to grow if interested ...
I could make an addition to the announcement (?)
or you could if you want ....
AND the Handy-person can Rent for US$1.00 per month several acres of good Perma-land to grow if interested ...
I could make an addition to the announcement (?)
or you could if you want ....
I think this is best from you! You can edit your posts with that information, or just post it as a reply