Now to the wool!
I currently have 4 seperate 'runs' of wool to be processed. I'm working through washing it. For more specifics see ("run" as in seperate batches of wool)
So now I'm at the count down until shearing, again. I opted to hold onto it and keep washing. I
should be shearing in February. Then I will take a bunch of those fleeces and match them to the 4 current runs of wool. The individual sheep fleece already there, will end up being that sheep's 2019 and 2020 shearing fleeces in the run. Some fleeces wouldn't mix well or just don't 'match' the rest and will be available for sale as raw fleece.
The 2020 shearing wool will all need to be sorted, pick out the junk, and washed. Then the fleeces added to the respective run they'll be processed in. Basically the same as the linked post info but it'll be more wool added to all of them.
It's exciting but I'm also anxiously putting away money. Currently I have money set aside for...
~ pregnancy scanning the ewes and travel fee (Dec) $90
~ shearing and travel fee (Feb) $170
~ buying the border leicester ram lamb, and delivery to the show (May) $300
I'm still putting away for...
~ seed mix order and shipping (March) $400
~ wool processing (May) estimating $1300
Meanwhile I've just recently spent $1200 on the electric netting so I can get the sheep off the paddocks a while and cocci prevention.. $100 in minerals.. $160 in CIDRs and things for breeding.. And I'm about to be out of
feed and be spending $200 on feed and gas.
That is why I've got to get in gear. Get this rotation working and cut way back on feed. Get lambs raised up, keep the best to replace the worst of the current ewes. And
sell the rest of the lambs.