On the idea of
hugelkultur beds... here are the results of one of mine that is in it's 3rd year of growth. This
hugelkultur bed was built to be a privacy hedgerow, wind block, and
native plant habitat area. Ultimately it will also be used to keep
deer out though the double
fence helps with that right now. I also grow strawberries and vegetables (
perennial and annuals along with some native vegetables) along it and I'm planning on adding some evergreen huckleberries to the backside of it (they like shade) and a few other edible plants.
So yes hugelkultur beds can work and can really be abundant and filled with life. The birds and other wildlife love this hedgerow and it's already a great privacy hedgerow and the
trees planted along the inside of it are just starting to get above the shrubs that face the neighbors (and the deer!).
Edit: I wanted to add that one of the big changes I made with this hugelkultur bed is I stopped using small material. I only used large logs and rounds and then smaller but still 2-4 inch across branches or logs. I was then very careful to add soil in to all the spaces between the large pieces of
wood. The result has been a hugelklutur bed that hasn't settled much at all and also doesn't have any major rodent issues. I feel like the small material just makes it harder to get the spaces filled with soil and don't really add much benefit.