Hello all you fantastic
permie peeps!
The folks at the
local non-profit group Northwest
Permaculture Convergence have banded together to add some cool new programs to our mission! We have created an online
DIRECTORY for all local practitioners to add their names, farms, projects and businesses:
Ever wonder how to connect with folks in your local county?
Ever want to use a local
permaculture business but don't know how to find one?
Ever vacation in your bioregion and want to visit a regional
project or farm? Or stay at one?
DIRECTORY has FREE listings, up to 150 characters to describe your permie interests or project/business. To help support our work (and pay for our webmaster!) we have paid upgrades too; a measly $10 yearly gets you a total of 500 characters of description, and for you big spenders - $50 buys 500 characters, your name or business placed at the TOP of your county listing in the COLOR of your choice, and you get to include a logo with your listing!
So give us a visit:
Submit your listing. Let your permie freak flag fly!