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1. Are you interested in learning and DO-ing permaculture projects as a team, but you just need a little more...*oomph*?

If you are an...
   American who loves...
   Learning, is...
   Industrious in nature...
   Collaborative in solving problems, and you are
   Eager to actually DO permaculture projects;

Then use and edit this wiki as a "springboard" to discover and organize with other permies in your area, and to create A Labor Investment Collective on the East coast (ALICE) for your specific bio-region, state, or nearby metropolitan area!  

2. Wait a second...What's a Labor Investment Collective?
Read about Labor Investment Collectives here, and their place in the SKIP/PEP system here.  You could think of it as a mash up of:
  • An ol' fashioned barn-raising party, or an Irish Meitheal
  • A permablitz
  • A local permaculture club
  • A time bank
  • A permaculture skills workshop

  • 3. What kind of cool "artifacts" could we build?  What else could we do through ALICE?

    Whatever you want to learn and do.  Ideally in your ALICE everyone gets an opportunity to really learn something CHALLENGING, as a team.
       0. Anything!
       1. Hügelkultur?
       2. Ponds / Aquaculture?
       3. Cob?
       4. Swales?
       5. Organic pool?
       6. Cabin / Tiny house build?
       7. Floating dock?
       8. Chinampa?
       9. Food forest install?
       10. Oehler Greenhouse?
       11.  PEP-rally
       12.  Solar drying sheds
       13.  Living fences & deer deterrents
       14.  Bamboo projects
       15.  [your idea here!]
       16.  [your idea here!]

    This ALICE wiki could also be a way to create or find a core group of individuals in your region to do "club" activities, like apple picking, carpooling to a permaculture demonstration site or workshops, seed-swapping, etc..  Hit "edit" and add to the above list of things you want to learn and do, or to add other ideas.

    4. Where might folks do ALICE?

    Anyone could build a Labor Investment Collective anywhere in the world, really, but this wiki would just serve as a springboard or menu cart for East Coasters to choose from, to "divide and conquer" so to speak; to leverage the permies.com regional forums with the initial specific aim of organizing LIC work teams.  Imagine finding a small network of permies all located within a day-trip's drive of one another, who build trust with one another while doing challenging projects benefiting each one of their homesteads or communities.  Imagine...

    ALICE.Upstate to help folks over here.
    ALICE.Beltway for permies stuck in DC traffic surrounded by lizard people humble political leaders
    ALICE.PA for Pennsylvania state Alices to meet up and work together.
    ALICE.boston, for the greater Boston Massachusetts area.
    ALICE.richmond, for Richmond, VA, etc.

    This is a wiki, so add your own ideas freely.  You could comment below, or perhaps add your name, nickname, or initials next to any artifact above that you want to do.  You could hit edit and add a permaculture club you are already a part of, and perhaps that could serve as a place to build ALICE for your bioregion.  If you get enough participants, maybe create a stand alone Google Doc, or another permies wiki thread to organize your ALICE regional team.  The goal here is simply to make it easier to find one another, build trust, and then learn and DO projects together.

    Go to "Watch Settings" and check "email me if there is an update for this thread" to stay notified on possible developments anonymously.  Of course you can just reply to the thread below, too, keeping in mind the "perennial" nature of permies.com.

    5. Interested?
    Be advised that comments in the thread section are permanent/perennial, but this wiki section below is edit-able at any time!  Add your name or initials, what artifacts you might be interested in building or doing, what timeframe you might want to do them, what ALICE region you would perhaps create or join, etc.

    G.Y.  (2023-2026 timeframe)
  • I might be interested in creating an ALICE within a day's drive of the Polyface bio-region (to include C-ville, RVA,  DC Metro, Hampton Roads);
  • I might be interested in learning/doing: Polyface day-trip; Chinampa builds; rice cultivation; Oehler greenhouse builds; how to saw lumber at a homestead scale; organic pools and pond builds; Hugels; trail building; seed swaps; living fence & hedge development; swale construction; bamboo projects
  • I might be interested in teaching/leading: planting 1000s of trees together, maybe teaching how to build a floating platform for fishing/aquaculture/floating cabins; maybe oyster cultivation / restoration

  • L.B. (2023 on) - I might be interested in an ALICE in the dc metro toward the Annapolis area. Projects on my property would include:
    Forest farming of woodland herbs.
    Building a solar herb drying shed.
    Living fences to discourage deer and confine goats
    Swale maintenance
    Tiny pond creation

    How about you?
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    Pretty cool, I might have to look for EMMA,  Equipo Mexicano de Mutua Ayuda, (Okay, really it should be EMAM, but EMMA sounds better)
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    Maybe the original wiki post should have been done in baby steps.  Rather than jumping into organizing and forming work parties, I bet the first key question is:

    What projects do folks really want to learn and do?  What are the permaculture "artifacts" or big projects that people would do, if only they had the right team to work beside and encourage or instruct them  

    Let's start here: Are there projects you would do, if only you had the right team?
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    I am an urban person with no property prospects currently in sight, so I don't exactly fit the ALICE criteria, but I would love to learn about everything by helping people that have more property on their Permaculture projects. (It would be SO great to already have the knowledge and skills for what to do with a couple acres even BEFORE I actually obtain them--and make up for lost time!).

    How excellent it would be to organize local networks of Permaculturists. I would be happy to try to start heading something up in my area if there is anyone else around here!
    George Yacus
    Posts: 555
    Location: Mid-Atlantic, USDA zone 7
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    M.F. wrote:Pretty cool, I might have to look for EMMA,  Equipo Mexicano de Mutua Ayuda, (Okay, really it should be EMAM, but EMMA sounds better)

    I love it!  I say go for it, even if it isn't US "East Coast"!  ALICE and EMMA can totally become friends

    R.L. wrote:I am an urban person with no property prospects currently in sight, so I don't exactly fit the ALICE criteria, but I would love to learn about everything by helping people that have more property on their Permaculture projects. (It would be SO great to already have the knowledge and skills for what to do with a couple acres even BEFORE I actually obtain them--and make up for lost time!).

    How excellent it would be to organize local networks of Permaculturists. I would be happy to try to start heading something up in my area if there is anyone else around here!

    *Poof!* I changed the "criteria" in the wiki.  And I'm going to quote Joel Salatin out of context here, when he said...

    The beauty of this is that the equity moves from land ... to knowledge, skill, and customers. My thing about that is that no bank can come and foreclose your knowledge. No bank can come and say, “I’m going to foreclose on your skill today,”

    Knowledge and experience is valuable, as is helping out in your community.  So whether you have property prospects or not, ALICE for all!  

    P.s. For anyone reading this interested in ALICE or some kind of derivative, please feel free to edit the wiki; and if you wish add a little about yourself and your interests or region.  When you are no longer interested, feel free to erase your name.  Cheers!
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    Interesting approach! We have organizations that coordinate food forest builds and native plant restoration events in my county, SustainableSolano.org and SolanoRCD.org . These are wonderful ways to develop permaculture skills and meet like-minded people. In addition to traditional media, Sustainable Solano also shares information on Nextdoor.com to get the word out. I am coordinating with Sustainable Solano to host a series of community events to put in a food forest garden at the elementary school where I work. One first major step is to get the school district to allow us to divert the rooftop rainwater into swales.
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    Nationalities here are superfluous. Climate zones and locations are more useful?
    Posts: 30
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    Anyone in the NW UK interested in joining something like this here?
    Please all, and you will please none --Aesop ... displeased tiny ad:
    Willow Feeder movie
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