Hopefully the OP has already built his stove and discovered that, yes, a properly designed 6" J-tube
rocket stove will absolutely get hot
enough to cook/fry food!
As I built the various rocket stoves (mostly failures) I have made, I came to realize that the dimensions/ratios really do matter and how well sealed/insulated the core/riser are is critical. Dry-stacking is fine to see how the pieces will fit together, but until you seal it up and dry everything out, you don't really know how it will run or how hot it will get.
One additional lesson learned is that the amount of what I call "stand-off", or the distance between the exit of the riser and the bottom of whatever surface you are cooking on, is a little touchy. If there is not enough room for exhaust from your "jet", you will stall the burn process. If there is too much room, ambient air mixes with the exhaust (your heat source) and you get a less effective cooking
experience. I have found the optimum height to be something between 1 and 2 inches. Adjusting the height of your surface is one way to control the amount of heat, as is the rate and volume of fuel/air supplied to the system.