2/3 cup elderberry juice
3 1/2 cups
2 TBS. ground ginger
TSP. cinnamon
1/2 TSP. ground cloves (optional)
1 cup raw
local honey
Place all ingredients except honey into sauce pan. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently, then reduce to a simmer. Cook for about 45 minutes until volume is reduced to about half. Remove from heat & let cool. When no longer hot mix in honey & stir thoroughly. Put honey into jars & seal.
Take 2 TBS once a day for immunity to allergens. If sick with virus or flu take several times per day.
Builds up your immune system to local allergies & chest viruses.
Shake before using to mix honey as it sinks to bottom of jar.
Feel free to send the $$$ you save on doctors to me:)