Hey everyone,
I did my
PDC early this year and by the looks of it I will be able to get my first property by years end. At the moment I am working full time and was planning on getting out to my poperty on weekends and holidays to get
earthworks done, constantly improve the soil and do other low maintenance things that wont mind me not being there for two weeks+ at times if I can't make it.
The rough plan is to firstly survey the place, get my contours right before putting a mainframe design in place. I mean access, structures, a dam and a couple swales etc.
Would a food forest be a good idea on the swales or would it require too much supervision in the early stages of getting it established?
How about soil building? I am thinking along the lines of staking out a spacey kitchen garden with beds on contour, tilling it once and simply chucking some green manure on it to do its magic while I am slaving away in the big
Any suggestions welcome
I do not have a property just yet, so all of this is hypothetical at this stage. My wife and I are living in Melbourne, Australia and want to get a ~20 acre place 3-5 hours drive away.
Thanks in advance,