For me it would be starting at the foundation aka the soil (observation/planning, earthworks/swales, carbon/woodchip, soil life/worm tea, mineral/rockdust, cover crop/80% legume)
$600,000 in bank loan for
land and house
$100,000 in cash for support systems
I am not too sure how much house and land you can get for $600,000 in loans, put lets say 1 to 3 acres and a 6 room house (3 bedroom 'could be 2 bdrm + 1 study, etc", 1 living room, 1 kitchen, 1bathroom+laundry/mechroom)
Now how to spend the $100,000 for homesteading/permaculture stuff and what is the number value I would associate it with
1) Swales
2) Carbon/biochar/woodchip/strawbale
3) Soil Life/Mushroom Slurries/Worm Tea
4) Mineral/Rockdust/Sea90
5) Cover Crop/Dutch Clover+Herbs
A) Vegetable Garden
B) Herb Garden
C) Mushroom "Garden" (Wine Cap, Oyster, etc, etc)
D) Berries
E) Fruit Tree
F) Nut (Instead of picking and eating famine/war time grass seeds, I prefer nut seed)
Honey Bee Hive
2) Chicken/Eggs
3) Fish
4) Milk/Meat from Goat/Sheep...pasture
Outdoor Kitchen
solar dehydrator
rocket stove
rocket stove-Oven
* Rocket Stove-Grill
* Haybox Slow Cooker
* Canning Station
Solar Cooker (check out GoSun esp their new Fusion model)
* Outdoor seating/living room and such is a really nice idea you can make it look very nice
* Greywater system
* Better Sewer System that filters out nitrogen and phosphates
* Solar Electric
Water Procurement and Filter System
* Hoop House
* Lean to
* 4 season
* solar pit