Here is a recipe from Wellness Mama that uses silicon molds. I really prefer just making drops though I like her recipe:
Homemade Herbal Cough Drops
1 cup of
water infused with herbs. I used slippery elm, coltsfoot, cinnamon, elderberry and chamomile
1.5 cups of
A candy thermometer (not necessary but very helpful!)
a medium size sauce pan
Silicon candy molds (not needed but helpful)
Boil 2 cups of water and infuse with desired herbs. I used about ¼ cup of each herb for a really potent cough drop, but as little as 1 tablespoon of each herb is effective. To infuse: Pour boiling water over herbs. I put herbs in a muslin bag to make straining easier. Let steep for 20 minutes and strain out herbs (or remove bag).
Pour 1 cup of the herb infused water and 1.5 cups of honey into a medium saucepan and turn on medium high heat. (save the extra liquid and mix with equal parts raw honey for a simple cough syrup)
Stir the honey/herb mixture over medium high heat until it reaches 300 degrees. If you don’t have a candy thermometer, this usually takes about 30 minutes and can be tested by dropping a drop of the mixture in to ice water to see if it immediately hardens. It
should harden to the point that it breaks if dropped on the counter. You can also tell because the mixture will start to foam and separate. At this point, it is vital to remove it from the heat quickly so it does not burn
Pour into candy molds, or pour into a large baking sheet that has been greased with coconut oil or that has a silicon baking mat on it.
Let cool until it can be touched and molded and immediately and quickly form into lozenges with your hands (you might need help to do this quickly
Put finished cough drops/lozenges on a silicon mat or piece of parchment paper to cool.
When completely cool, I toss in a mixture of powdered slippery elm and stevia to keep from getting sticky in humidity
Use as needed for coughing, congestion or sore throat.
Notes: Any herbs can be used. I picked the combination above to help sooth coughing, congestion and sore throat while boosting the immune system. I get all herbs from Mountain
Rose Herbs. I’ve only had these last about a week in my house because my kids eat them that quickly, so I don’t know their shelf life past a week.
Here are some suggested herbs from here: He also gives a recipe.
Herbs for coughs
Cypress (helps calm coughs, clear congestion, and loosen phlegm)
Elderberry juice
Eucalyptus (helps open nasal congestion)
Frankincense (especially good for phlegmy cough)
Lemon peel
Oregano (shown to help fight upper respiratory infections)
Peppermint (shown to help calm coughs)
Herbs for Sore Throats
If your sore throat is part of an upper respiratory infection you may want to include some of those herbs listed above for coughs, as well as one or more of the following.
The herbs in this list are also useful for sore throats due to talking or singing too much.
Cayenne powder
Juniper berry
Marshmallow root
Slippery elm bark (especially good for dry, irritated throats)
This image looks like they are using something to make a mold like sugar or flour: Then just dropping the mixture onto the sugar/flour.