This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEM curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in
Annual gardens can produce a lot of food. People often struggle with watering and weeding. Mulch can really make a difference in how often you need to
water and how many weeds pop up between your plants. Let's put some mulch on that
garden bed!
Here's a great
video on different reasons for mulch and options:
Minimum requirements:
- Mulch around tender garden plants
- Before, during, after planting or at the end of the season
- Not for around perennials
- Natural materials like grass clippings,
straw, hay, chipped leaves
- At least 10 square feet covered
- At least 1" thick
- This is for growing spaces, not paths or other areas
Provide proof of the following as pictures or video (<2 min):
- The area prior to mulching
- The mulch you're going to use
- The freshly mulched garden
- Prove 10 square feet and 1" of depth if it isn't obvious