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part 1 of a 3 part podcast
Paul, Liv, Beau and Samantha discuss strategies for growing enough food for a family.
Paul feels growing food for the family needs to be fun and delightful.
Liv grows a lot of veg and raises livestock. The livestock occupies 25 or 30 acres. The veg is grown on about 12,000 sq ft.
Beau focused on stuff that they like which last well through the winter. They've scaled back on the food production in the last few years and grew more herbs, as the herbs can be bartered for meat with neighbors.
Samantha has about 5 acres of paddocks for sheep. She grows
chickens, geese, ducks and sheep and barters for pork or
beef for variety. She helps a friend who grows tons of veg, and she helps him and gets veggies from there.
Paul thinks people tend to set out to grow 47 things and then decide that
gardening is too difficult. For beginners he suggests picking 3
staple foods and grow a lot of those. Then you can add a small garden with more variety.
Samantha would pick carrots, onions and garlic as she uses a lot of those. Once you know how a plant grows, it's easier to manage. Kale would be good as it copes well with frost. Regular onions do take more work but it's great when you have bags of onions all winter.
Liv agrees that 3 crops to begin with is good. She would grow potatoes, onions and beans; she likes things that store easily.
Beau suggests devoting maybe 30% of your time to extras which interest or excite you. Those extras can have more fails but you can get unexpected success. He has 2 lists: his wife is more annual-focused: Butternut squash, green onions, Corn and sweet potatoes. Beau himself lists apples,
mushrooms and the 3rd is tricky.
Paul would choose apples, sunchokes and kale; beyond those, apricots, hazelnuts and onions. Walking onions, while more work to cook with, grow like crazy with no effort and can be harvested for months.
It's important to grow things that people will eat.
Relevant Threads
Gardening for Beginners forum
Ducks and Geese forum
Chickens forum
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This podcast was made possible thanks to:
Dr. Hugh Gill Kultur
Kyle Aster
Bill Crim
G Cooper
Mehron Kugler
Bill Erickson
Julia Winter, world's slowest mosaic artist
Sean Benedict
Rita Bliden
Brent Lawson
Amy Berry
Song Zheng
Dana Martin
thomas adams
David Lucey
Kay Gelfing
Clay McGowan
Shay Riggs
Dr. Jackie
Cindi Duehmig
Samantha Lewis
Polly Jayne Smyth
Banter Couch
Rebekah Harmon
Chris Holtslag
Zach Keeshin
Paul Tipper