Helen will be back at Wheaton Labs to teach her Certified Garden Master Course in January 2024. You can find more information including dates, schedule, and how to buy ticketsHERE
Helen Atthowe has an M.S. in Horticulture from Rutgers University, worked in Integrated Pest Management in New Jersey, was a Horticulture Extension Agent in Montana for 17 years, and an Organic Systems Research Assistant at Oregon State University. She farmed organically-certified vegetables and tree fruit at her Biodesign farm in Montana, (1993-2010), with Carl at Woodleaf Farm (California, 2012-2015), and presently at the new vegetable and fruit farm in Oregon she co-owns with her husband Carl Rosato.
PDC evening presentation: Helen Atthowe's commercial food forest
I just learned I was given a slice of pie for having 20 apples! Thank you. So I'd like to watch Helen Atthow's video which I thought is free for the PIE folks but I only see the purchase video button. Maybe I went to the wrong link?
Yeah, it doesn't appear that this is free to PIE peeps anymore. Should it be removed, or the free view link restored?
I'd really like to watch it.
Denise Cares wrote: I just learned I was given a slice of pie for having 20 apples! Thank you. So I'd like to watch Helen Atthow's video which I thought is free for the PIE folks but I only see the purchase video button. Maybe I went to the wrong link?
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