Biomass is a massive con trick that has been hailed, like nuclear power, as a “green” alternative to fossil fuels. Planet of the Humans does not attempt to address the scandal of nuclear power, but it does tackle biomass head on as the fake solution it is – in most cases spewing out more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than the coal plants it may have replaced.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
Bruce, and all Permies, here is another quote from the critique I mentioned in my first post: "It is hugely disingenuous, and frankly misleading, to hide in the credits at the end of a movie the fact that two of the leading organizations being damned in the movie for their support of biomass as a “green” energy source ( and Sierra Club) do not, in fact, support biomass any more. Bill McKibben deserves an apology for being misrepresented in this film, even if he was a supporter of biomass at one point in his career and equivocal about it at other points since then."
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
Roberto pokachinni wrote:The plant could be producing biochar, capturing all its emissions, and it's heat while producing electricity ...
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
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For people wishing to discuss other parts of the book I'm quoting from, there is a thread started here:
I've been reading the book, "Burn - using fire to cool the Earth" by Albert Bates and Kathleen Draper, and it's interesting how biochar made of different materials and produced at different temperatures are better or worse for using for special uses in industry as opposed to just adding back into the soil. Much of the book's focus is on using biochar to substitute for other products that are currently being made either out of fossil fuels, or by the energy of fossil fuels.
Pg. 140/41: "...CalForest has become a resilient carbon cascade.
The take away is that, certainly we can produce electricity from wood, that we *don't* need to kill trees to do it, that it's waaayyy... more effective if you stack functions, using the excess heat for homes, businesses or greenhouses, making biochar to support the coppiced trees in the process, and possibly to make some other useful byproduct also. However, it does take a pile of land so I suspect to make it work, step 1 will still require people to find more efficient ways to live so that less electricity is needed to live a comfortable life.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
In BC, excess available biomass waste feedstocks are around 10 million tonnes per year, mainly from forest operations and mills. If this was converted at a 50 percent yield, five million tonnes of biochar could be produced. If all of this were to be used for coal substitution, for example, it would account for 270 percent of BC’s internal coal usage, including cement production and industrial steam generation. In relation to GHG reductions, if BC were to also substitute a portion of all stationary combustion of fossil fuels with biochar, this could reduce provincial emissions by 22 percent.
The production of biochar itself offers another opportunity for energy generation. During production, 50 to 70 percent of the original potential energy of the feedstock is retained in the biochar. The remainder is expressed in the byproducts of heat and gases. This energy could be usefully captured by coupling biochar production with electricity generation or heat generation. For example, in remote areas, off-grid diesel electricity generators can be replaced with a biochar producing facility, with the byproduct gases being used to run the generator instead of diesel. The resultant biochar could then be used as a local heating fuel or exported for added value.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
I totally hear you! I could try to get the local Municipal Hall people to pay attention to what we could be doing to sequester carbon while improving local soil and providing raw material for local industries, but it's "not their job" to build the thing, but it *is* their job to regulate it and one would need a *lot* of commitment to get through all the hoops at all the levels to make it happen.bringing it all of it together would be amazing.
But not so likely.
Because of that I'm into individual solutions as much as anything.
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A system that turned forest waste into heat, char, and electricity could be tied into the county waste treatment system.
Biogas, biochar, cogeneration, fertilizer, food waste disposal, yard and forestry waste, bringing it all of it together would be amazing.
But not so likely.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
The economic bottom line of the municipality to pay to fuel the heaters for recreation centers, meeting halls, fire departments, et cetera, may, before long, make it their job to make sure the embodied energy of all this biomass gets put to more productive use, offsetting the drain on finances, as natural gas becomes scarcer and more expensive, and electrical rates continue to rise.I totally hear you! I could try to get the local Municipal Hall people to pay attention to what we could be doing to sequester carbon while improving local soil and providing raw material for local industries, but it's "not their job" to build the thing, but it *is* their job to regulate it and one would need a *lot* of commitment to get through all the hoops at all the levels to make it happen.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
Yes, I have two friends that do this. One simply filters it and puts it in his truck. The second does a more complicated treatment of it which generates certain wastes that he's still not dealing with effectively, and gives off fumes which are not healthy to be breathing, but this guy is part of a Biodiesel Co-op and the end product has to me "more diesel" rather than "just used fry oil". Apparently there is a method based on enzymes, but that's not available on the small, local level he's working at and is also more expensive and already they can't compete with cheap "real diesel".William Bronson wrote:I've heard this happened to DIY biodiesel and grease mobile enthusiasts .
The oils that had been a waste became a commodity.
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That statement made me laugh, but it's a sad sort of laugh - we feed this to our children??? and chickens and mushrooms are smart enough to refuse it!!!William Bronson wrote: I've looked into it, apparently mushrooms hate white bread too...
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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
Ethanol never seemed like a good incentivized cropping idea to me, but I get your point, William. I think keeping forests intact as much as possible and allowing as large a portion of mature forest to proceed to old-growth age, would be a very good thing to incentivize, especially considering how much of our primeval old tall forest lands have been leveled, and much of that has been exported and huge amounts of biomass have been burned in slash piles, or left to decompose at more rapid rates than would be natural in the same setting.Creating an economic incentive to conserve carbon-capturing assets like forests seems like a good idea to me.
On the other hand, ethanol subsidies also seemed like a good idea to me at one point.
I haven't read the whole book yet, and they haven't got into it yet as far as I remember (the book si so full of ideas and ongoing projects, and studies, and programs, I have a hard time keeping all the info in my head. I got the book out of the library system so I'm sure you can order it in too! If I do come across it in there I will mention it here. that said, I think carbon accountability is long overdue. Instead of that, we have been subsidizing our largest polluters, Frustrating! At the same time, my province has done a lot in regards to putting a price on carbon in a few different ways, but it means that fuel is expensive and where I live there is no public transit options.Roberto, what does the book your reading say about a carbon tax and trade marketplace ?
I think making each of us responsible for our own carbon emissions might have an impact.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
Hi, Steven McKraken. Thanks for joining the discussion! You are probably right about that; most farmers I know are pretty set in their practices and it is very human to resist change and/or new ideas, however, if the same farmers were shown repeated demonstrations of the boost to growth that a fraction of that straw material (made into biochar) would produce when added in the fields in trial strips, then I think the convincing might be a little easier. On a slight tangent to that, I'd mention that on a good hay year, semi-trailer truckload after truckload goes by me on the highway between Alberta and B.C. If it's cost-effective to do that, then I think it wouldn't take much for those areas to be incentivized to plant and grow crops specifically for carbonization.My question is: what is defined as agriculture waste in relation to the Prairie crops? The reason I ask is in central Alberta a company has plans of building an mdf plant to turn wheat straw into mdf. This isn’t the first time this idea has been tried in the Prairies but it has failed for two reasons. The first is they wouldn’t pay enough to cover the cost of baling the straw. The second and most important reason why they failed is even if they paid enough, farmers found more value of that agricultural waste going back into the soil than selling it.
Great! I'm glad to hear that you are on this! If a large percentage of people were doing that we would greatly reduce the home energy demands in a lot of communities!My solution to giving my cardboard for free so my tax dollars can pay to have it trucked for two hours and have another city burn it and sell electricity and char is to heat my own place with my waste cardboard. I have a heater which I put a retort in it and I make my own char and heat my place. For my needs cardboard makes pretty poor biochar so use it instead to heat the retort.
In Jasper Alberta, where I was today, there is no curbside pickup for recycling. Everybody drops it in community-scale bins that are then cabled onto trucks and hauled away. So, the same could be done with cardboard, right at the plant that you mentioned (people in a town could drop it off when going about other business), and there is no reason why any of the trucking couldn't be fueled by retort syngas anyway. Fuel pellets made of biochar are, as far as I can tell, by far the best way to do this, as far as emissions and efficient conversion of heat units.IMO for my community I think it would be better if someone could turn said waste into fuel pellets and as such cut down the number of recycling Bins the taxpayers Are renting. Would give some jobs to some people, alternative heating fuels cut down the expense for a cash strapped village.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
I have heard that soils in areas with high rainfall which can leach nutrients out of the soil show the best benefits from biochar. That said, farmers are trading off between the *known* benefit of the straw on the land vs less-clear long-term benefit of biochar, and at least in the short term, some of the no-till poly-culture soil building coupled with mob-grazing being used on some farms may build the soil faster and generate enough extra bio mass that as you said later, can be fed to animals to be distributed by them in fancy packaging designed to attract worms and manure beetles.University of Saskatchewan has done trials and the conclusion was that has very limited benefits in our Saskatchewan climate and soils.
I hear you - and I've also read somewhere that char on the surface of the soil can make a fire worse. Using a "key line plow" type of system to make sure the biochar ends up below the soil line without increasing the damage done by surface tilling, might work.For example north of me a few miles away had a big fire 3 years ago, the farmers were disappointed because 20 years of soil building was destroyed. The char would have to bring in massive yields to convince these guys to give up their straw.
And Joel Salatin would say that's a "bad thing" - he tries to make sure that hay removed from any field he has control over, goes *back* on that field in some way - finished compost from the animals that ate it for example. This is where the whole premise of "Big Ag" farming where each farm concentrates on "just crops" or "just animals" hurts the long-term productivity of the soil.Hay on the other hand is a valuable commodity that will get shipped.
I'm sure I've read somewhere that flax straw is a bugger to deal with. I believe the article actually suggested that some farmers were changing to growing fiber flax even though that generated a smaller seed crop because the straw was then a desired output for linen production. There is increasing interest in some sectors for natural fiber clothing other than cotton due to the ecological damage cotton is causing and the lack of recycling options for artificial fiber clothing. That said, I'd guess that a Kon Tiki type kiln would do a great job of turning flax straw into char. If that char was mixed with bedding in a CAFO lot (as much as I'd prefer the CAFO lot didn't exist), it would go a long way to filtering out nasty run-off before it reached waterways. The "Burn" book Roberto and I are reading talks about using bags of biochar anywhere run-off from artificially fertilized fields can make its way to the water system in an effort to hold those nutrients where they could be used beneficially. You may feel that in your area, run-off just isn't an issue, but I've read in other books that even a small wet-land to use reeds and cattails to absorb nutrients and generate biomass from field run-off is value added in so many ways.The exception I see to this is flax straw. Once that is harvested, the straw is gathered in piles and burned.
Yes! That is exactly the type of system the book is also promoting. "Stacking functions" and the biochar is sequestering carbon regardless of whether it helps plants grow in your ecosystem. There's always talk about government subsidies to farmers - we just need to figure out which subsidy would cover installation of this sort of technology. The BioBurner appears to be of US manufacture, but if we could get U of S to design something similar, that might help convince the government to give it a trial at least?While of the subject, I remembered I was looking at wood heating system that caught my eye but I just don’t have that kind of money. It was called the BioBurner. Send any feedstock you want like hammermilled straw, wood chips, etc. And it would burn and heat water for water heating. And make char.
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Not too critical, and yes, it is helpful!I hope I don’t sound to critical. Hope this discussion helps!
that is good to hear, what region of Saskatchewan are you in?I will say a lot of the farmers in my area are always changing to more cutting edge technologies. There are some further east that I believe are playing with biochar.
I tried to find that research this morning but couldn't. I'm wondering what range of soils they tested it on, and with what crops? I know that B.C. is extremely varied in soil types, and I suspect that Saskatchewan will be more uniform, at least in agricultural (prairie areas), but I think that there are bound to be some soils there that would benefit from biochar. That said, and getting back on to my idea of tree intercropping/agroforestry (for carbon sequestration, for potential coppice-to-biochar, for water retention, for windbreaks, for beneficial habitat, etc), I came across this article in St Albert Today Could Biochar, farm trees solve climate crisis? It briefly describes some ongoing research by folks from the University of Alberta. Here's a quote from the end of the short article:I would say the biggest challenge to get farmers to use char is the fact that the University of Saskatchewan has done trials and the conclusion was that has very limited benefits in our Saskatchewan climate and soils
Here is a photo of the difference in trees grown by Calforest with biochar and without (mentioned earlier)Carson said the team hopes to find out which of these techniques boost carbon storage the most and what would happen if they were rolled out province-wide.
Results from a previous phase of this study found trees boost a region’s carbon storage by trapping carbon in wood and soil while also lowering net greenhouse gas emissions from soil, Chang said.
Agriculture contributes to and is affected by the climate crisis, Chang said. If farmers can boost on-farm carbon storage, they can help create a more predictable climate that’s less prone to cause crop failure, and potentially earn cash through carbon credits.
“Our results should encourage farmers to consider planting more trees on their less productive land,” he said.
Exactly, yes. Taking char-able substances out of the waste stream and turning them into energy, nutrient reservoirs, and carbon sequestration, and I would add creating biomass specifically for the purpose of making biochar could be a more useful and profitable product in some locations than trying to grow food, as it would boost food productivity elsewhere.There is a company In Saskatchewan that takes old dead Pallets, grind them up, and makes char out of them. I think if we could set things up like they are doing where waste can be turned into valuable agriculture product and use the heat to make electricity, heat buildings, heat greenhouses would be great, which I think is the intent of the thread.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
all power labs gasifiers are burning mostly biomass in the form of wood chips. Not really bio waste. They run better on a consistent high quality feedstock.Ellen Lewis wrote:These people, All Power Labs, make a contraption that burns biowaste and generates (mostly) electricity and (a little) biochar:
In case you have enough ag waste to buy a contraption instead of doing your own experiments.
This is why *genuine* conservation projects are needed! Things like rocket mass heaters where appropriate, placing heat-generating processes where low-level heat requiring buildings or processes can re-use that heat and generally more "intelligent" design of all buildings, but particularly housing. I read years ago of a nuclear power plant that fed it's waste heat to a bunch of local greenhouses as an example. This made the greenhouses much more profitable as they only needed to provide light in the winter, rather than heat as well.Gray Henon wrote: The line in the movie about all the biomass in the US only producing one year’s worth of energy really illustrates the scale of the issue.
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I'm not sure if I approve of this interruption. But this tiny ad checks out:
the permaculture bootcamp in winter (plus half-assed holidays)