You might have noticed a new shiny button at the top of your screen. It looks like a SKIP/PEP badge with the letter BB on it. This is button will lead you to a list of BBs that YOU are certified to be able to verify.
BB stands for "Badge Bit"--after doing a certain amount of little Badge Bits, you can earn badges. These badges are for homesteading and permaculture tasks as part of our SKills to Inherit Property program. You can find out more about the program HERE!
Who can certify what?
Anyone that has a Sand badge in a specific aspect, is able to certify any BBs in that aspect that they've already been certified in.
For example, if you've gotten a Sand badge in Textiles and Started a Button Jar, you'd be able to certify anyone else that submits that they have completed a button jar.
How do I certify a BB?
First off, you need to earn a Sand badge in one of the 22 aspects. Once you've earned that, and someone submits for a BB you've already accomplished, you'll see a little red number by the BB icon. Like this:
This will take you to a list of BBs you can certify.
You can either click the words or the "verify" button. Both will take you to the BB submission. There you will see a big periwinkle box with a bunch of options.
Look over their submission and see if it meets the requirements in the first post of the thread. If it does, go ahead and certify it!
If you're not sure if it should be certified, you can:
(1) Leave the BB submission for someone else to certify
(2) Ask about it in the PEPPERs in Action thread
(3) Click report on the post and ask the Staff to look into it.
We're really excited about this new BB notification icon, as now we'll get notified of new BB submissions, and we're able to spot all the BB submissions that still need to be inspected. If you notice any glitches with the BB notification button, please post about them in this thread. Thank you!
Thank you and the others that worked to make this happen.
I really like how it stands out.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
So this is why two of my older BB applications got certified! One I even forgot about. The other one was for knitting socks, but then there was a discussion about using yarn with a percentage of nylon in it. I knitted a new pair of socks, this time with 100% wool yarn and then the BB was certified. So now I have a double BB on knitting socks
"Also, just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them" (Luke 6:31)
I've noticed a couple of times that people have submitted for approval of BB5, 10, & 20 but I am unable to do the verification. I assume this is because I reached those thresholds before the new 'submit for certification' feature. I can verify BB40 posts, which I did achieve under the new system. Is there a behind the scenes way to tweak this?
Here are my posts for BB10 & BB20 in case it helps. Looks like I didn't have a BB5 post.
Kevin Harbin wrote:I've noticed a couple of times that people have submitted for approval of BB5, 10, & 20 but I am unable to do the verification...
Hi Kevin,
I looked at your "merit badge profile" and your "merit badge info" pages and you have the BB5, BB10, BB20, and BB40. Don't have an easy answer for the issue you are reporting. Maybe mentioning it in the tinkering forum will resolve it or provide more information.
Kevin Harbin wrote:I've noticed a couple of times that people have submitted for approval of BB5, 10, & 20 but I am unable to do the verification...
Hi Kevin,
I looked at your "merit badge profile" and your "merit badge info" pages and you have the BB5, BB10, BB20, and BB40. Don't have an easy answer for the issue you are reporting. Maybe mention it in the tinkering forum will resolve it or provide more information.
I did not even think of those. I can approve BBs I have myself, but I don't know if I am able to approve for BB5, 10, etc. I got them all up to BB40 before the new button was there.
"Also, just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them" (Luke 6:31)
Yeah, I think certifying BB 5/10/20/etc badges is like certifying a Sand badge. I think there's currently no program set up to allow them to be certified. When I certify them, I don't have the little periwinkle/grey box to certify--I just manually make a staff note certifying it, and then manually grant the badge.