The homesteading dream, is it still alive?5 Acres & A Dream The Sequel follows Leigh Tate’s 5 Acres & A Dream The Book, taking a hard look at what happened to their dream. Has it changed? Are their goals and priorities the same? Leigh updates their progress toward food, energy, and water self-sufficiency, sharing how their self-reliance goals have changed. She shares how they've learned to prioritize needs in spite of distractions and discouraging times, and how they deal with feeling overwhelmed. She discusses how their relationship with their land and animals has changed how they view themselves and their homestead.
Ch. 1 The Dream: is it still alive?
Ch. 2 Reassessing Our Goals
Ch. 3 Reevaluating Our Priorities
Ch. 4 Fine-tuning the Master Plan
Ch. 5 The Transition Phase
Ch. 6 Food Self-Sufficiency: Feeding Ourselves
Ch. 7 Food Self-Sufficiency: Feeding Our Animals
Ch. 8 Energy Self-Sufficiency
Ch. 9 Water Self-Sufficiency
Ch. 10 Resource Self-Sufficiency
Ch. 11 Discouraging Things
Ch. 12 Distractions
Ch. 13 Toward Keeping a Balance
Conclusion: A Sense of Purpose
Oh no I thought - I've just bought the original! Then I saw the ebook download. How awesome is that! And I can read it on my kindle as I'm an insomniac who doesn't want to wake up the breadwinner.