These felted chickens measure about 2 inches high, and can be made in whatever pattern/breed you would like. These are made-to-order to your own specifications! They are made entirely from wool with cotton pipecleaners for legs.
Aw, thank you! They're fun to make, too, and I enjoy the challenge of trying to make them accurate at their tiny little size. The Ayam Cemani was definitely a challenge!
My kids and I LOVE Henny Penny's photo journal. It is so cute! They were disappointed when they came to the last picture, and I reassured them that there would be more pictures the next day!
And, wow, blipfoto seems like a really lovely site! You got so many encouraging, helpful replies on your pictures. It's like a photography equivalent of permies. What a wonderful gem of a site!
I keep forgetting to post pictures of these little families I made a few months back. They were really fun!
The rooster and hen were based off of Raven's chickens. Here's a side by side of Zeus!
And these were some buff orpington chickens. The color was a really fun challenge--I ended up mixing together at least 4 different colors of wool to make the old gold color.
The tiny chicks were really fun, too! (And really hard to photograph!)
I saw your link about YouTube and the pastel ugly chicken - watched it and gave it a thumbs up.
Then clicked more... and looked over your list of stuff. And at the very end I clicked this permies link for more about your felted handmade items - and here I am letting you know how I got here.
Many blessings to you and your family- including your chooks 🐤🐥🐓
I have gladly supported 11 of Paul's Kickstarters ~~~ Just trying to better my soil & food ~ while in my hot Mediterranean climate
I saw your link about YouTube and the pastel ugly chicken - watched it and gave it a thumbs up.
Then clicked more... and looked over your list of stuff. And at the very end I clicked this permies link for more about your felted handmade items - and here I am letting you know how I got here.
Many blessings to you and your family- including your chooks 🐤🐥🐓
It's fun seeing you here! R Ranson's video on making the oil pastel chicken is super fun. Years back, I'd needle-felted her a little version of her Henny Penny chicken, and it makes my heart so happy every time I see Henny Penny featured in her videos. It's like a little "Easter Egg" in her videos!
I'm pretty sure that Henny Penny was the first chicken I'd needle-felted. She's such a special chicken (R Ranson wrote a little about Henny Penny here). It's really fun being able to make tiny little felted versions of people's beloved chickens ♥.
I just realized I never posted pictures of this lavender Araucana chicken I made for my neighbor's daughter. I didn't get very good pictures (the chicken's floofy cheeks made it hard to get a good angle). My daughter and I made little blue eggs for the chicken, and I made a little nest and chick, too.
This is a very special chicken. My son had a pet rooster named Goldie, who was just the sweetest rooster ever. Goldie used to be our neighbor's chicken, and from when my son was a toddler, every time we'd take a walk we'd stop and say, "Hi" to Goldie. Eventually, Goldie came to live with us, and died of old age in my son's arms. Better than telling you the story of Goldie, I'll share my son's story, that he wrote about Goldie 4 years ago (my son was 7 at the time)
Goldie was my pet rooster. He was 8 years old. We would go for walks with the rest of the family, and everytime we went down there, we saw Goldie the chicken. We would feed him through the fence. Our neighbors gave us Goldie and his hen, Brownie
I named Brownie, because she was brown. Kaitlyn had already named Goldie. I would go down the hill to see Goldie and hug him and pet him. And he was definitely a nice rooster. How could he not be? I would go down there every day, a few times a day, because I loved him so much.
When he got old, we brought him inside so he would be warm and cozy. I would snuggle him in my lap on the couch. I gave him lots of good hugs. I love him by snuggling him when he was alive, and being sad when he was dying. Now he's buried under my apple tree. I love him.
R Ranson painted this most amazing picture of Goldie (I highly recommend her as an amazing chicken painter. If you want to see her amazing chicken paintings--and maybe even suggest some chickens to paint--check out her Chicken Fan Club)
Anyway, this spring I finally had a chance to make a needle-felted Goldie for my son.