These are 2+ feet tall bare
root Chinese chestnut seedling
trees. The nuts came from high-quality cultivars suitable for commercial production. You can choose between two parent trees 'Qing' or 'Kohr'.
100 for 299$, 50 for 195$, or 5 for 45$ all with free shipping.
The trees were grown without chemicals on our
permaculture farm, nursery, community, and education center in Southern IL
Link to the product:
Thread about the farm:
We also have available:
TREES: thornless
honey locust,
black locust, Chinese dogwood, Chinese quince
ROOTS: Jerusalem artichoke, comfrey,
SEEDS: Chinese wild yam, Codonopsis, American Lotus
Link to everything else:
Please don't hesitate to ask any questions. Immense gratitude for all the support! Happy planting!