I think it would be great to be able to use the media to get the message out to everyone but - through this forum and youtube that's what you're doing isn't it ? Seems like its working pretty well - we're all here reading this
The problem is always going to be persuading "normal" people to take up those ideas. Just like all the cooking shows are watched by people who don't cook, and all the dieting shows are watched by the overweight whilst eating chocolate biscuits

so most people hear the ideas, like them, but will never get around to doing them unless they're forced into it by finances.
In the UK last year we had a killer winter (well not by some standards but we had ice in the sea where I live and that's never happened before !) The upside was a real move to insulate properly, use woodburners and really think about how to heat your house - even my wealthier "rat race" friends finally got on board that far:)
Now OK maybe that isn't far enough or fast enough but it proves the point - even the most "normal" start thinking "green" when they get stung with big bills and or it gets hard to heat the house cos its so damn cold. We are all in for a major change in fuel bills and some hard times over the next few years and more and more people are going to be looking to save cash and are going to be much more open to changing their habits.
Even then not everyone is going to earthberm their house or build a
cob bench in their house - even I haven't done that and I'm into the idea , but it would be tricky to intergrate with a Georgian sitting room !! - but good simple ideas like in Pauls video will make it through and if a few go further then great.
The best way to change peoples mindset is to show them a better way (not preach but show) so everyone who takes up just one aspect of "green living" (hate that word - got to be a better one ??) introduces everyone they know or meet to that idea and if it doesn't look too hippyesque quite a few of those people will give it a try and the chain grows. Thanks to Paul and all the other cheerful nutters on here there is a great big chain already with lots of links - maybe we all just need to make much more of a point of joining up and sharing the information locally.
The hard part is - like Paul said - getting to the people who need it most. Part of the poverty trap is not having access to information, no web access etc. and the only way through that is through
local community action groups and simple stuff like chatting to a neighbour :)
So Paul keep plugging away you're doing good so far !! - maybe we should have a "what are you doing to spread the word" section on here to encourage the rest of us to do more :)
In fact I'll start it - I joined the "transition town" group and have given a few talks, I've spread the word through the Allotment Society and the local regional Allotment group and I link all the youtube videos to
facebook so they're seen by all the "suits" I know lol
OK what else could I be doing ??