I listened to the podcast last night and liked it. I feel you did a very good job expressing a lot of the frustration that I, and many others, have been having with getting flamed by dumb-phuks on the internet. I have noticed over the years from using many different forums on a variety of subjects that it has been getting worse across the board. My theory on this has to do with computers and the internet being so user friendly that now really dumb people are finding their way to forums and flooding them with ignorance. Now I don't have a problem with dumb people, but I do have a problem with dumb people who think they are not dumb. For simplicity sake I'll refer to the later as "Dumb-phuks"
How to spot a Dumb-Phuck:
Dumb-Phuks don't ask questions, they make statements.
Dumb-Phuks make opinion statements and
project them as facts.
Dumb-Phuks speak in absolutes.
Dumb-Phuks say things like, "That won't work because.... , You can't do that because.... , The problem with that is...." When they have never tried.
Dumb-Phuks love to shit on new ideas, because if it's such a good idea they surely would have thought of it already.
Dumb-Phuks never encourage, they only discourage.
Dumb-Phuks never have sources, only beliefs.
I feel a bit like Jeff Foxworthy with this list. Maybe it
should start with, "You might be a Dumb-Phuk if......."
I think Albert Einstein expressed it best when he said:
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence and fulfills the duty to express the results of his thought in clear form.
Keep up the good fight Paul, don't get discourage. For every person that bashes you or criticizes you there are many others who respect and admire you.
According to Ghandi your on the right path:
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Mohandas Gandhi
Looks like your half way there!
*This post is 100% pure opinion.*