I'll tell you what my neighbors just went through when the ground water destroyed the foundation of the 1935 house they bought on their property, and put up the house of their dreams, that had soils engineering tests and a special expensive foundation, that 10 years later started to fail.
Then they had to spend thousands, and I mean thousands, on giant pipelines for sending the water away, and that wasn't
enough. Then they had to have soils engineers design a
pond that took 3 bulldozers 8 weeks to dig, install a pumphouse with an electric pump (very expensive to run), and extra pipelines for handling any future overflow back to the creek, more bulldozer and 2-foot pipes. And the thousands they had to spend on permits for each of these stages of things they were trying....
It's been difficult for them, and I don't know anyone who would want to buy it and take on any future issues. Maintaining a
pond is a lot of work. Been there, done that.
An important distinction: Permaculture is not the same kind of gardening as organic gardening.
Mediterranean climate hugel trenches, fabuluous clay soil high in nutrients, self-watering containers with hugel layers, keyhole composting with low hugel raised beds, thick Back to Eden Wood chips mulch (distinguished from Bark chips), using as many native plants as possible....all drought tolerant.