My FIL has a carport like this and after I ziptied snow fencing under the (replacement) roof tarps , the snow tended to slough off.
That said, I like the idea of reinforcement.
2x4s or even 1x4s on edge, secured to the tubing could work, or maybe I could use conduit or even steel cables, given the direction of the forces.
That diagram is very illustrative of my own reasoning, though I imagined fewer and longer pieces of lumber.
I tend to use deck screws to put together wooden structures.
I know not to rely heavily on the shear strength of fasteners but I'm not a skilled
enough carpenter to match the strength of steel welds.
I'm leaning towards decoupling the beds and infact the entire
greenhouse from the ground beneath and around it.
Digging down and insulating is out of the question, there are way too many rocks in my soil.
200 square feet of water resistant insulation is kind of pricey so I'm thinking of alternatives.
To begin with I think plastic sheeting to keep out rising damp.
Maybe spread it out beyond the edges of the greenhouse in a bid to create an umbrella of dry(er) earth effect.
I considered creating an air gap but I'm not sure it would take any less money than conventional insulation, plus it creates space for pests.
Cardboard treated with boric acid or 20 mule borox would be insulative and pest resistant.