Big Question I am asking:
If I can only come by bringing my 4 year old, would I still be welcome and provided opportunity to work as much as I am able?
My husband is incredibly encouraging of me coming to the Build for at least one week this year. We have been working on "self sustainability" very gradually for a decade, made complicated by adding kids #3 and #4. I have been homeschooling,
pooless, organic,
gardening for 5 years now. My youngest child is four. I am aware that anyone trying to do "two jobs at the same time" is not going to get the full benefit of either. I would bring my 15 year old who chops
wood for fun who will be fully engaged in providing assistance to the Green House Build (we are thinking of trying something similar for our
local food bank as his Eagle Scout
Project next year). So we would bring a net benefit to the Build.
BUT: If having a four year old is an unsafe and unrealistic expectation, I will find alternate arrangements and
then ask: is it worth my coming out if we can only be there for 3 or 4 days? I have never been away from my kids for this long, and although my husband is fully capable he is still tied to his desk-job.