A mason heater friend turned me on to https://www.firespeaking.com/, as a source for stove doors suitable for a batch box RMH at a very reasonable price. The owner, Max Edelson, builds masonry stoves and rocket mass heaters, so he gets it and can give some basic advice. I was stoked to find this! Photos fo some doors below, you can download a catalog and price list at the website.
I downloaded his catalogue a while back and agree that he has some beautiful doors indeed!
There are a few things I would double check though.
1) That you can modify your batch opening to accommodate the size of the doors available
2) That the air inlet is large enough to meet the batch box air requirements
Yes, very nice product! I also downloaded the catalog a while back. Be aware these are introductory prices. They will change with the new year.
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
Visit me at
dragontechrmh.com Once you go brick you will never go back!
I sent them an email and within a few hours Max both called and wrote back in an email. For a 6” build he recommends the K402 and noted that one user needed to modify the air intake to allow for more air flow.
Does anyone else know of a source for doors? This is the biggest hurdle to building these from what I can tell. I don’t have a welder or metalworking experience and it would be nice to have a door kit with a window that I could build around. The others (casserole dish lids, scrap metal) people have made are certainly functional but I want something that’s also pleasing to look at. Plus I’d never convince the Mrs unless it looked presentable 😜
Hi Landon ;
Check out my shop. https://dragontechrmh.com/ I have batch doors. Heavy steel hinged doors with a spark proof primary and a window.
They do require a strong masonry backing to attach to.
Or I have light weight pop in doors for batches , they can have a larger window, have an open primary and cost less.
I've included a photo of a 7" pop in batch door with a 5x8 window.
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
Visit me at
dragontechrmh.com Once you go brick you will never go back!
Great stuff Thomas! Glad to see a shop offering RMH accessories, having these products available will make the whole process more accessible to a lot more people!!
Seriously? That's what you're going with? I prefer this tiny ad: