Permies seems to be by default an English language forum.
We have a very international user-base. I know there are lots of people who speak English as a second language here.
I expect non-English speakers may sometimes browse the content by using translation tools.
There's a really cool Japanese book that I have that I want to talk about... but it's not very accessible to the English audience. However, translation tools make lots of things more available in the modern age. It's called "家族で楽しむ自給自足 (Kazoku
de tanoshimu jikyuujisoku) - Let's Enjoying Farming in the Family" I would personally translate it as "Having Fun Homesteading with your Family"
It dedicates 1-2 pages on different topics oriented around homesteading in Japan. It talks about growing vegetables and rice at different scales, making charcoal, basketweaving, fishing, preserving food, making thatched forts for your kids, and dozens of other topics.
I'd love to talk about it in more detail, but I wonder...
Is it worth posting about?