The property is out in the country and the majority of the flora in the section that abuts the road consists of black locust, mimosa silk
trees, trees of heaven, empress trees, and privet, so eco-terrorism doesn't seem likely (I'd certainly welcome any eco-terrorists interested in helping me destroy the privet). However, powerlines run directly above the two saplings. I also noticed a couple of additional dead zones in a non-grassed section by the road where silk trees were coming up and wondered what in the world might be the explanation, but those are also directly beneath the powerlines. So I'll be damned, it must be the power company. I will have to give them a call. At least maybe I can get a list of everything that they spray and dig it up before they come spray poison on my property.
As an aside, it's a little scary to imagine how much of the form of the landscape around us may be maintained by spraying. Not just lawns and landscaping, but I recall riding my bike on a path through a median in a
city when they happened to be running sprayers over the grass in the median. This was a non-descript median in a run-down formerly industrial part of town, I always figured all they did was cut the grass in such places, but no, they were investing lots of money in herbiciding in order to avoid
dandelions I suppose. I've also seen them spraying the side of the road on the exit of a minor highway where weeds were coming up between the cracks in the pavement. Now I must imagine that powerlines are vectors for industrial herbicides as well.
Anyhow, thanks so much for the replies. I would never have thought of this as a possibility.