Hey Eric, just the man I was hoping to hear from haha! Thanks so much for your reply and documenting your journey with winecaps so thoroughly, I’m really loving this forum as a resource and still working on getting through all of your wine cap posts but seriously, thank you. I’ll be putting in an order soon to see what I can get started! I’m sure I’ll check back in with updates and asking for help haha. I have much to learn.
So, in the mean time y’all,
We had lots of rain and some snow these last few days, and when it cleared I went searching for signs of mycelium in my
yard (doing my best to be gentle!). I flipped over the first log laying under a juniper bush and found some growing right on the top soil/log interface. That look right? Pic 1
Then I found this old dried, decomposing mushroom, any idea how old it could be?
This was underneath what used to be a densely shaded area between an overgrown juniper and insanely overgrown barberry bush. I cleared the area with the goal of making a wildflower/grass meadow.
This morning, I noticed a difference in the soil surrounding the barberry bush. It was raised, kind of fluffy and the bushes had been naturally mulching the soil with dead under brush for who knows how long. I just bought the property, an old couple lived here and had a gorgeous garden years ago but its been long overgrown- rumor has it the block I live on used to be an orchard! The soil was awesome between the two bushes and you could practically stick your whole hand right in it. Then i noticed that the top inch or so of top soil was sliding right off and underneath was a sprawling, seemingly 2D mat of mycelium. And underneath that was slightly less decomposed mulch than the top soil. That sound right? last pic
I noticed that this new growth wild
rose looks like it actually has mycelium popping up out of the soil? The base was covered in years of juniper needles and got virtually zero sunlight. Or could that be some kind of sickness?
So it seems like there’s lots of fungal activity already going on in my yard which has me super excited! Adding winecap spawn will only accelerate this, right? It won’t compete against/damage the current fungi in my biome?
Is there a reason not to introduce this “playground bully” for fungi-diversity sake, or my soil’s unique biome or something? I’m most excited about the effects of fungal dominated soil, and would sacrifice fruiting edible mushrooms for more
mushroom power in the garden, if necessary.
With all that fungal activity surrounding the barberry, I should keep it right? Even though I’d prefer something edible? The birds sure do love it!
I gotta say, it sure is awesome to be learning about all this for the first time one day, then go out the next day and watch all the processes taking place naturally in my yard thats obviously been "doing it's own thing" for years now. I'm grateful to have you all to learn from!