Hi Ray;
Yes, here in the inland empire (N.W. Montana) we have Columbian ground squirrels aplenty.
Their burrows can snap the leg on livestock if they step in one wrong.
A real pest! Although, we have never had the problem of poop sticking to our shoes!
I tried gassing them, and as you say too many escape holes.
Poison is not an option.
You'll need some large experienced cats to try to take on a ground squirrel...
They have large teeth and are carnivorous.
Perhaps introducing a few badgers to your pasture might make the itty bitty squirrels pack their bags and move on to greener badgerless pastures!
The only
answer for us was target practice with a 22-hornet. (22 longs seemed too slow)
This does work, as our population is now down to just seeing a few a season.
It took about 3 years before we really noticed an improvement.
The raptor and coyote populations definitely increased during that time with the feeding availability.
It will take time, as they will consume their fallen buddy if the birds do not snap them up.