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There is madness to my method.
"Life finds a way"- Ian Malcolm
"We're all mad here" - The Cheshire Cat
Phil Stevens wrote:I don't think all those claims necessarily stack up.
A local multi-generation dairy farm near me is eager to have a solar installation because of the royalties they will get from the contract plus the benefits mentioned above. They see more positives than negatives and the whole family is on board with it.
There is madness to my method.
"Life finds a way"- Ian Malcolm
"We're all mad here" - The Cheshire Cat
I always worry about that "provide maximum return" mindset! Beau mentioned 10,000 acre project proposed and that's totally not "permaculture scale" - but "monoculture scale" - and you'd think humans would have learned by now what a bad idea that usually turns out to be (Pine Beetle - you took advantage of human "monoculture" mindset, and now my province is burning to the ground!)Gray Henon wrote: ...I’m sure studies are currently being done on the yields possible from under solar panels. It shouldn't take too long for these to come out. Once they do, we might find that it is worth installing panels at less than maximum density in order to optimize the crop underneath and provide the maximum return.
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Jay Angler wrote:
I always worry about that "provide maximum return" mindset! Beau mentioned 10,000 acre project proposed and that's totally not "permaculture scale" - but "monoculture scale" - and you'd think humans would have learned by now what a bad idea that usually turns out to be (Pine Beetle - you took advantage of human "monoculture" mindset, and now my province is burning to the ground!)Gray Henon wrote: ...I’m sure studies are currently being done on the yields possible from under solar panels. It shouldn't take too long for these to come out. Once they do, we might find that it is worth installing panels at less than maximum density in order to optimize the crop underneath and provide the maximum return.
I have read in a few places about solar panels cooling the ground in a way that improves food growing options, but I don't know how niche that factor is, or how it affects the weather and climate on the larger scale. We're essentially turning the sun's energy into electricity in one location, only to use it elsewhere. Energy can't be created or destroyed, it just changes form??? We're on our third heat wave this summer, but will solar farms over-all, or even locally, make the weather better or worse.
Similarly, will these farms be built to withstand the bigger storms we're seeing? I was just reading about a meteorologist's opinion that my neighboring province will likely be seeing an increase of hail storms over the next 30 years. We're already seeing more wind storms. Will these solar farms be designed to truly cope with what Mother Nature will throw at them?
All of the following truths are shameless lies - Vonnegut
Switching from electric heat to a rocket mass heater reduces your carbon footprint as much as parking 7 cars