Trying to work our cheapest and quickest way to build a tiny abode that could be expanded or improved without destroying it .
Questions :
Is the no foundation half dug out possible ? I ' v got quite a bit of tires laying around and might be able to get some square beam
wood , and was thinking if i dig a square hole (for the house area ) , then dug in that hole 4 post holes maybe 2-3 tire's deep and then just put beams in tires and pour
concrete mix in , wonder if this is a viable solution ?
At the moment want some kind of
shelter that will be extended overtime or built better from inside out , especially as winter coming .
As for why no foundation , lack of money .
I hope its understandable what I'm trying to ask
Later would like to make improvements such as cold storage deeper on its floor , and make ferrou-cement walls maybe
Really interested in tips and input how to make this viable
Photo is to illustrate what I'm talking about
And drawing is what i kinda going for as the building goes