tel jetson wrote:
will it matter if the eggs are there if there's nothing for them to eat? they won't grow without food, right? maybe they'll just end up as more food for the worms.
I think somebody should go ahead and try it. it's on my list of things to do. if nobody reports back here that it was a disaster before I get around to it, maybe I'll be the one to find out that it doesn't work.
stalk_of_fennel wrote:
What do your worms eat then?
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tel jetson wrote:
I was under the impression that the worms would be interested in chewing through the larvae excrement. am I mistaken?
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Frugal Que wrote:
We have an abundance of BSF also. Tons of them. During the spring, summer and part of the fall, I love to feed them everything because it disappears so fast. They are in our very large compost pile. I also started adding food scraps to our raised beds and the BSF found their way there also. I was so happy.
During the winter, we don't see them but they always come back in the spring. I think they go dormant. The worms come back first though - in abundance! The worms love the BSF poo.
sticky_burr wrote:
now has anyone had sucess in maine with the buggies
i want these bad .. protein good for the chickens can freeze the mature larvae for winter feedings. or place in the basement next to your worm bin. and better unlike alot of maggots grubs worms the mature self harvesting larvae have no feeding mouth only a climbing and hooking mouth to pupate and the adults dont feed at all just breed lay eggs and die.
and they are kinda antibiotic qualities so really really not dirty.
and lastly as bad as it sounds they can be used for disposals .. ie chicken (or other) mysteriously dies .. well feed it to the BSF larvae since i wouldn't eat it..
Idle dreamer
Treehugger Organic Farms
Jason wrote:
Can the black soldier fly excrement be used for anything other than feeding to the worms? Even though the worms may take a little longer to digest, they seem to produce a higher yield of fertilizer/compost. Is this correct?
Jason wrote:
On the other hand BSF produce a yield of food for animals which is also beneficial. I could see myself using both of these
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find religion! church
kiva! hyvä! iloinen! pikkumaatila
get stung! beehives
be hospitable! host-a-hive
be antisocial! facespace
find religion! church
kiva! hyvä! iloinen! pikkumaatila
get stung! beehives
be hospitable! host-a-hive
be antisocial! facespace
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The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
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