Harmony Dybala wrote:I have an acquaintance with cystic acne, large lumps with no heads, who is looking for treatments that can be tried at home instead of going to a dermatologist to have the cysts drained every time they appear. I am thinking astringent, antibacterials, and drawing poultices, but I would love anecdotal success stories and any particulars. Honey, witch hazel, or perhaps tea tree essential oil diluted in olive oil?
When I get questions about this, I always ask what they eat. Any kind of healing starts with eating the foods your body needs. You need a strong immune system, so your body can start producing the antibodies it needs to get rid of the infection. Lots of foods has antibiotic properties. i don't tolerate regular antibiotics so when i get an infection my naturapath sends a sample to a lab and finds the right herbal recipe to clear the infection.
There can be many different reasons for getting acne, that a Naturapathic doctor can help figure out. It can be diet, as I mentioned before, but hormones, skin care, malnutrition and lifestyle also plays a factor.
Its hard to treat anything if you don't find the
root cause first. Once you know why this is happening, its much easier to treat.
My suggestion is that you have a talk with your doctor about figuring it out. if you want to go the natural way, find a doctor of integrated medicine or a Naturapath.
I know its hard, but its important to advocate for your self. Don't just let them send you away with a proscription. It takes determination and strong will to get diagnosed. If one doctor won't do it, fire him and find a different one. Some doctors forget that they are working for us, not the other way around.