Yes - I'm down on my knees, groveling in my heavy clay soils, getting thorns in my palms - begging you to please include your location in your profile so it shows up under your name.
Why post your location? Because location and its associated CLIMATE matters. It matters a LOT. It makes answering questions a lot easier when one can visualize the climate.
Example: I live in the hot desert. (Phoenix, AZ)
--I grow my veggies in sunken beds to harvest
water and keep their
roots cool. You may garden in raised beds for good drainage and to harvest the sun's heat.
--My highest
energy use is in the summer to keep cool - yours might be in the winter to keep warm.
--I harvest every bit of greywater, stormwater and rainwater that I can. Why? I live in a place that only gets 7" of rain. Maybe you get 30, 40, 60" - you might do things differently. You may even (gasp!) want to shed excess water!
shelter my house and my veggie gardens from the sun in summer with deciduous legume
trees - this blocks some of our intense sun, fixes nitrogen into my soil and slows down that uber evaporation thang that we have going on. You might grow your veggies in "full sun". I can (and have) fried an egg on my sidewalk in "full sun".
--My best growing season is Fall/Winter/Spring. Your best growing season may be Summer.
--I use thermal mass to keep cool. You may use thermal mass to keep warm. If you live in the tropics, thermal mass is not your friend.
--I live in a dryland (our evapotranspiration rate is several times higher than our rate of precipitation). Things tend to decompose very slowly due to lack of moisture. You may live where everything breaks down readily because it's humid.
I could go on, but you get the drift.
Permaculture has tons of fabulous ideas and techniques, but not all of them are appropriate to all locations.
...I'm now going to attend to the puncture wounds in my palms from all that groveling in thorny mulch. Hey - at least I stacked functions by adding some nutrients (nitrogen, micronutrients) to my mulch!