Rob Irish : Ernie and Erica Wisner have thoroughly tested Rocket Mass
Heaters RMHs, both with and with out ash pits directly under the
feed tube, and are pretty
much telling you this is the way they think RMHs
should be built, AND they are the Experts ! You certainly can learn to use your
RMH w/out a clean out!
You may have noticed that their design for the Heat Riser uses 'Splits', half thickness bricks, to make up the Heat Riser*, referring back to the cover of the book
it is easy to take out Two of the the full thickness bricks directly under the Feed Tube, and substitute splits! This gives you a little half thickness Ashpit that helps
in the clean up.
A couple of things, First I have not seen the book yet, will order one today, I am sure that they have covered the need for insulation under and surrounding the
Firebrick, and I only mention that because someone just looking at the cover might miss the idea that insulation Should be under there !
Second, and this is merely my adaptation that I am throwing out there, and not a general recommendation, referring back to the #2 stack of bricks, during a re-
build I added a staggered layer of splits, making that layer 1.25 inches higher, This is a compensation for the Extra Ash That I leave within my Burn Tunnel all
the time, adding additional protection as insulation and cushioning to protect my fire brick, effectively it does not increase the Constant Cross Sectional Area of my
Burn Tunnel while the Rocket burner is firing ,I only clean down to the crunchy sintered bits !
Tomas Rubino : I think you have fallen into the same trap that snared me! Actually there are two grades of brick, the soft brick is easy to cut, the harder Firebrick
should be soaked in
water and then cut on a diamond wheel with a stream of water jetting onto the spot where the cutting is happening, a cut off wheel will work,
but you will go through a lot of Blades ! A Quick second on T.R's suggestion for face mask and gloves !
A much more in-depth look at Firebrick Types is covered in Erica Wisners Dec 20th
Thread Extention/Answer to my Thread "
fake fire brick'',my part contains
some factual errors, so her
Answer is the part you want until I re-write my posting. Thank You, Erica ! For the Good of the Craft !
Think like Fire, Flow like a Gas, Don't be the marshmallow! As always, your comments and questions are solicited and are welcome ! PYRO - Logically BIG AL !
* Using thiner 'Splits' for your fire brick makes for a much smaller diameter Heat Riser and gives you more room for insulation and for passage of your hot exhaust
gases, it also makes you a much more skilled brick layer instantly -or else !!! This is a small grumble, as the result is some thing you can be proud of, be generous
with the curing/drying time !!! A. L.