This is an invitation to join a small Private Community Homestead.
To begin, I have 35 years
experience in working with groups in Hands On situations, managing Logistics, and coordinating projects.
I have thought on this long and hard, have done all the research with regards to By-laws and the like, and in this County this is how it would be set up:
This would be a cost sharing endeavor for a maximum of 8 persons (including me), so there are 7 spots open.
All inclusive cost sharing would be $200.00 per month, this would also secure a slush fund/petty cash for community expenditures, ex; additional fencing, livestock, etc.
Your capital investment is to procure/build your own Tiny House/Caravan on wheels, this has to do with this area's By-laws. Your dwelling could be built on the premises over the summer.
The property offers a variety of locations for more, or less privacy, depending on individuals needs and/or requirements.
Caravans/Tiny Houses would have to be winterized, and I have worked out a design and cost estimates for this region.
By-laws would permit Tiny Houses/European style Caravans to be extensions of the main house if they are not considered to be self contained = don't install a full kitchen.
Meals are taken in the main house, which has an open concept and can accommodate without much effort. Makes sense, if we've produced the food together, we
should eat together.
I have 32.5 acres bush/forest and pasture, with
water courses and interesting elevations somewhat akin to B. Falk's 15 acre property in Virginia.
The property is located in Renfrew County, On. Canada. It's within 3 minutes drive of a Village Market, and 20 minutes of Hospitals, Farmers Markets and the like.
Yes, there is snow, and some of us love it.
This is a working Homestead, so the bull work is done.
I have the
Land Patent Grants, that are copies of the original Deeds to the property, (this goes along way in dealing with Municipalities).
The main house is built to spec.
There is a decent barn and out buildings.
There is small livestock; goats, poultry and 2 equine.
We produce cheese,
milk, eggs and meat, as well as equine
On site access to building materials, timber, stone, clay for projects.
Have small diesel
tractor, brush hog,
hay elevator, and chipper.
A housed outdoor kitchen with
rocket oven, and future rocket stoves.
There is the potential for all manor of; passive
solar, methane applications.
There is a Farm Equipment/Rental dealer nearby with very reasonable rates for larger projects.
There is electricity, although this is being weened back as projects are completed reducing/eliminating dependency over time.
There are 2
wells, one drilled and one dug.
As well as
Permaculture experience/willingness, any of the Skill sets listed would be an asset;
Animal Husbandry
Trait Assets;
Self discipline
Cooperative attitude
Solid Work Ethic
Under existing regional By-laws this group would be classed a Fraternity of
Permaculture Practitioners. The land is to be shared and worked together, in a spirit on common respect of person and property.
How would decisions be made? I believe every person has a specialty, and that person should be the one to Lead, by knowledgeable advice, or hands on management.
When it comes to legal/By-law matters pertaining to the property itself, well, that is the responsibility of the owner.
The purpose of the Fraternity is to live sustainably, and provide for each other. We would, in a sense, adopt each other, in a bid for a better quality of life, and to never be Warehoused!
Obviously, we would have to ensure that all are on the same page, mind set, and just be able to get along long term prior to committing.
My family is hoping that the Fraternity will also produce a Custodian or Steward for this property, as it is already set up for the next generation.
I believe this proposal to be realistically viable. All that is needed is you, your dwelling on wheels, and your enthusiasm.
Please fell free to ask what ever may come to mind, as not all questions or details can be offered here.
In the hope that I have covered all the bases...
Cheers! K