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auntythelma wrote:
I think mr. hemenway would advocate the "locavore". his comments in the video make me think about this scenerio.......
in the winter many fresh vegetables and fruit at the store come from south america...mostly Chili and Ecuador. IF.....americans preserved lots of there own locally grown fruit and veggies and ate that through the winter and spring rather than purchasing Fresh at the store, This would cause a huge ripple all the way to South America. Large sections of deforested Land would be claimed back by the rain forest with in Months of the SA farmers shutting down production.
t realistically that is not going to happen from our end. And economically I am not so sure things would play out how you think in Chili and Ecuador either.
There are no experts, Just people with more experience.
Paleo Gardener wrote:
If 5 people abandon their monoculture and grow a one acre forest garden, that's four more acres for native plants
auntythelma wrote:
Root Cellar! on my list of many goals for our property.
I know alot of people that don't really know how to used preserved fruit and veggies. When I go into the grocery store I get the feeling that it is our God given right as middle class Americans to have FRESH food contrast to the food deserts in the inner city........whoa way off topic!
when I was a kid we canned bing cherries. (if you never have had canned cherries it should be on your list of thing to try.) you could only get cherries for a couple months in the summer.usually we picked our own for a $1 lb! what a treat the canned ones were for us. But now I have seen fresh cherries in the mid-winter from south america. Most people would pay $10 lb for unripe fresh cherries and think they tasted good. I know some people that would turn up there nose at my canned version and eat the crappy fresh ones \
Native plants, on a planetary level, would benefit if we stopped shipping fresh food from out side North America.
The reality of how our winter produce gets shiped is obscene. A good food movement to start would be using dried, can, and frozen foods. We need one of these popular chef people to embrace this idea and show americans how to cook with preserved foods.
Jeremy wrote:
Aunty, thanks for the insite. It is always interesting to me to hear how things are playing out in other industries. And are those farms actually shutting down or are they just transitioning to farming different products?
There are no experts, Just people with more experience.
I love canned cherries as well.. almost prefer them that way versus fresh. I'm not big on canned/preserved food in general, though. That's what winter veg is for! Fruit preserves are great of course, but why eat frozen corn (or week-old stuff shipped from the southern hemisphere) when you can be eating great, fresh winter stuff?
There are no experts, Just people with more experience.
auntythelma wrote:
If I lived in california I would eat fresh winter stuff for sure :0)
Sustainable Plantations and Agroforestry in Costa Rica
Winter root crops store pretty well.. hence your mention of a root cellar, I guess. Just didn't hear any mention of stocking it with, well.. roots. Nothing growing outside in your neck of the woods to supplement your winter table? The winter garden has got to be one of my favorite places.
There are no experts, Just people with more experience.
Jeremy wrote:
And I'm curious if it would surprise you to hear that in my forest program we have talked about global climate change and what that is going to mean in regards to future species composition?
Sustainable Plantations and Agroforestry in Costa Rica
John Polk wrote:
Stevia has also been used in the commercial egg business. As little as 1% mixed into the feed has shown a significant reduction in broken/cracked eggs. There is actually a US Patent on such a feed.
Sustainable Plantations and Agroforestry in Costa Rica
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