hot water bottles, cherry stones heated on misbehaving
rmh(other post will be written elsewhere), had a lightbulb moment whilst looking for a futon to replace a tired mattress. As someone said, the prices were interesting and at the time, I was redoing roof insulation with hemp ‘tiles’. Well, they were fantastic to have a very comfortable nap, on the floor not on the roof!! They do compact with use but as they are about 1mx 0.6m x 10cm, in a double layer, they get shuffled around on the base, thus prolonging their useful life on the bed. After serving as mattress, more insulation is added somewhere or they find a use outside.
Recently, I went looking for replacements.
Hallelujah I came across hemp/wool/linen insulation, so currently sleeping on 1m x .60m x14cm one layer pieces. It’s heavenly. It came to under 90 euros, don’t know what that is in other currencies but not heaps for a super new mattress.
So why am I adding to this
thread about blankets not mattresses? Well, this particular cocktail of materials comes in different thicknesses. The thinnest in 10cm, If I remember correctly and is very pleasant to the touch, light, and in retrospect, I could have bought some to create a fabulous blanket arrangement. Temptation will possibly hold sway.
In the interim, I have to scratch my head to sort out the
Warm thoughts to those in extreme cold and those enduring nature’s comments and blessings to us all.
Off to pollard and chip.
Oh and confession: I smoked for a tremendously long time, stopped suddenly, even I was surprised and became hooked on potato chips. There goes my healthy life style BUT chip packets are wonderful insulation for blankets, hayboxes, curtains, vests and the list goes on.