Days 199-209 (part 5)
Jesse got a good start on building his house! Once Rex got back up to the lab his beams were lifted into place. Nice looking house you got there, Jesse!
Kai and I moved the full barrels from the Chateau
de Poo over to the Willow Candy Warehouse (formerly the shit skidder,) to be stored. There's gonna be lots of fine willow candy here in a couple years.
Moved some rocks out of the way, and then dug some dirt out of the uphill patio of Siesta with Rex. Rexcavator has a rock
bucket, meaning it's super thick steel, and after building a road to the top of the volcano, all his teeth are gone. So basically Rex is extremely inefficient at digging in the hardpacked clay I needed to remove. Oh well, at least my drainage is in fairly decent shape now.