I grow all kinds of "exotic" fruit. There are lots of fruits people are not familiar with because they don't see them in the grocery store.
I currently have "normal" fruits for my region in zone 7B-8A such as apples, pears, peaches, grapes,blueberries, cherries,figs but am also growing more unusual types like American Persimmon (diospyrus americana), Quince, Kiwi, Satsuma mandarins (in ground, but covered with
greenhouse in winter), passion fruit, Citrangequat (cross between sweet orange/bitter orange/kumquat, very cold hardy) Chinese wolfberry (goji berry) and paw paws.
I am also growing a very cold hardy banana plant from the Himalayan mountains called Musa Sikkimensis- it hasn't fruited yet but I'm still trying.
I also have some very tropical plants that stay inside in the winter- Surinam cherry/ pitanga , Dwarf Cavendish banana,
coffee plant,etc.
One thing that is not exactly a "fruit" but people may enjoy knowing about is the tea plant- Camellia senensis. This is a type of camellia that green/black/oolong/Earl grey type teas are made from. I started about 4 of these from seeds and plan to plant them in the
yard in a year or so. (Nice being able to produce your own caffeine!)