My lawn looks terrible! Dandelions, clover, bare patches. My neighbors, on the other hand, have beautiful lawns (but are sprayed). I don't want to spray and my husband wants it to look nice and not spend any money (of
course). I found this site from Lazy, Cheap
Lawn Care and love these tips. We had been mowing low, but we will start mowing high. We have no topsoil, but I'm unsure how to add since our backyard is very sloped and I think it would just wash away. We also have two different problems--front yard flat with full morning sun, backyard sloped with lots of shade. We have very sparse grass in the back. What can we do in the spring to make huge differences?? It seems like a lot of work needs to be done in the fall, but I'm never thinking of the lawn at that point. Then spring hits and I'm thinking--oh no---it looks terrible, what do we do??? We live in Arkansas. Thanks for any advice.