ludi, the site you posted seemed to treat of the whole of moral systems in a rush, Morals are complicated for instance hierarchies create a lot of cruel situation in which not very nice people are dominating others much as some would like to site situations in which they have their advantages, like being able to insist on what that hiuerachy think is right. Read the writer Frederica Garcia Lorca for examples of brutal domination.
I was only talking of hierarchy i don't think that a whole moral system has to be involved in a discussion on hierarchy which is one small part of moral systems. one of the many parts you can discuss at length. If someone is trying to impress their moral system on others then hierarchy becomes the motor of the whole moral system. i don’t agree with that, i felt for the puritans when i read of how they were persecuted in England and had to leave as i did for the Catholics in the same situation, as i did for the Jews persecuted by Catholics. l as i did for the victims of the kkk that I don’t doubt died at the hands of people who believed in their right to impose their own moral system and also imagined others were wrong instead of knowing it. I am not for hierarchies ¡n moral systems or if hierarchies exist, which they must for example in families everyone should be aware that they can be very abusive and that you have to be careful to stop them becoming so, you can get Victorian fathers for example, and over dominant mothers.
I don’t like totalitarianism i don’t like Hitler’s state or the soviet union or the tyrants in south America. We know how much harm they do, though they impose things that at first seem good, like communism the ideology of communism is great only it did not work so well or some extreme forms of Christianity. Spain’s tyrant Franco was a murderous villain though he kept abortion illegal, Abortion seems to be the question of the paper you put in a link to Ludi. I did not read it all, I don’t like the extreme anti abortionists.
The paper that you put in a link to, much as it seemed at first to be an anarchist one, on further reading seemed to be anti murder and pro-pedophiles.
That is, as far as i can make out, the most extreme place worry about abortion leads people to. The acceptance of pedophilia and to being anti the use of the rubber in these times of SIDA, being anti rubbers is an attitude that is for me also murderous and in a more real sense than abortion is, the fear of death being for me a big part of the reason for not killing others but fear of death needs some understanding of what death is and in the first month of pregnancy the fetus is very undeveloped. It is a tough question there is a sliding scale of event in reproduction and there is the mother emotional state of the mother to think of, still compared with a person catching aids and the distraught and unprotected orphans, I prefer the abortion of a fetus in the first month or maybe two of pregnancy. The pity i feel for their fear of death which is more frightening than death itself is the reason for being against murder, and aids being the death of young adult from long illnesses I see promoting sida by being anti abortion as one of the evils of those that take a extreme position to abortion.
Surely those who propose a long cruel death are more murderous than those who propose a quick one with no long fearing of death. I think the anti abortionist should also be vegans. I don’t mind anti abortionist ideas, i think i would be one of those who held them if anti abortionists weren't so violent, mentally violent at any rate and sometimes actually physically violent, to those who don't agree with them. Aids is a long slow death and one that leads to a surfeit of orphans so i think it is worse to increase peoples chances of getting aids than to increase abortion rates. It also destroys some countries and i think it is, not so passive, ethnic cleansing. It cleanses countries of those who aren't tremendously religious.
This topic scares me people who are anti abortion are so violent.
I can see a real reason against pedophilia, I think that adult domination is scary for children and in such intimate circumstances more so. Society should recognize that sex is an intimate game and you should not have to play intimate
games with those who dominate you. As sex is almost obligatory in marriage the idea that it should not be practiced if you don’t trust your partner is not much mentioned. Bullies always want to play intimate
games with their victims, it makes it easier to humiliate them. Sex is an intimate game and as such makes it easier to humiliate your partner, it can become if you are not avery nice to you partner a sort of and now lick my
boots activity. Adults can always bully children but we try to reduce the traumatisms of this as far as we can.
An adult who has apparently lost it to the extent that people apparently are beside themselves in sex, must be frightening for a child.
Also it is bullies who play games with people that have no authority, who can't say i like to play this way and i don’t like that and in such a delicate matter as sex the relationship should be as equal as possible. I already think that the relationship between men and women is too unequal to make sex between the sexes a good idea, women have to be brave to go into a sexual relationship, for one men are stronger than them usually they earn more and society gives them more credit for sense than women the mans position is dominant you have to be brave to play intimate games with a dominant person. The advantage in sex of being with someone who is less strong than you allowing you to call the changes is so great that in order to attract men women wear all sorts of clothes that make them weak and make them look weak, skirts too tight to move in, heels too high to walk in, lips they can’t control properly. It is womn who are brave they take on the strong men want the weak in a worse position than them and in theory they are the brave ones it is terrible. Equality is a good principal in sex and one that needs to be discussed and as sex between children and adults is a lot further down the path of unequal relationships and domineering, i don’t contemplate acceptance of such relationships and i don’t think such a theme should get mixed up with that of agreeing or not with abortions. We should not be changing everything to make an anti abortion stance more logical, as if it did. It seems to me an anti abortion stance has some sense on its own though I am not against abortion if a child gets pregnant for example.
There is nothing instinctive about my idea that it is hard for a child to have an adult panting and beside themselves with a child present and more so under that adult and penetrated by it, it would be frightening for children. Maybe the societies that practice pedophilia as a norm teach adults to practice sex with maximum possible calm, i should not think our pedophiles though have any tradition of polite sexual intercourse, western sex is inclined to be a bit torrid, far from the tantric control that advises holding on to feelings instead of making a big fuss of them and in the case of men the suppression of orgasm all this only increases the time of making love something children don’t probably want anyway.
I saw a very mad film in which they seemed to be upholding pedophilia in an effort to be totally down on abortion. Such extreme viewpoints are my reason for being anti most of the anti abortionist lobby.
I can understand that there is a religion who can think of prohibiting rubbers without feeling bad about doing something so deadly, i can understand how they got lead from one argument to another into a position that was brutal, i used to understand it any way when I thought Christianity was about understanding others rather than about upholding laws, any way their lack of understanding about abortion has stopped me feeling any desire to understand the brutalities of the religious..
i cannot understand how those against abortion can't see that the pro-abortionist are people who were afraid of girls dying in illegal abortions or who know that a high population rate causes poverty and miserable conditions, I think anti abortionists are so fervent they will deny the miseries of poverty which are often moral as well as material, more drunken adults and less protection for the children of drunken adults to mention one aspect of poverty, children left alone because parents are working and can’t afford baby sitters and more violence. If you don’t admit the evils of p9overty one is in fact more abortions than among the rich and wicked materialist I have heard this is information Greg Boyd the evangelist mentions this their is a catholic preist of the same nearly name, it can mean you make less efforts to reduce poverty.
The most extreme anti abortionists treat those who back abortion as your vilest of criminals. They may consider them wrong but it should be evident they are not trying to be mean. Everyone seems to have forgotten backstreet abortions and to say that the principle reason for abortions is the right to choice I don’t remember that argument beign so prominent years ago when abortion was legalized. One trick of anti abortionist is to always look for the meanest reason for abortions and never admit the less mean ones, this negativity favors their cause but at the expense of justice, those who suffer for justice shall inherit the earth. Morals are not easy, if you seek justice you stop being meek and stick your neck out, which is right? To be meek or just and I don’t think the religious are any better at getting this sort of problem right than anyone else. If we discuss which is best the search for meekness or for justice, there is a lot of room for disagreement.
I can't see what evil prohibiting preservative prevents except ones that are crazy, like that they want a maximum number of children born. You don’t see many children in Madrid but that Is because they don’t play on the streets. Why not have women reproducing from the age of thirteen to the age of forty- fifty, at every moment they can? That is the logical conclusion of those who are crazy to fill the world full of souls. Can't a supposed god just make the world last longer so we can have souls, lots of souls but spread out over time, in happier conditions than if you have overcrowding if it is the number of souls that worries the religious.
I can’t see the suffering `preservatives cause and i can see the suffering lack of preservatives cause, the long and sad deaths of so many young people and all the children left without parents and the immense room it gives for imposing your own ideology on communities in unchristian countries. So there is reason to think that those against abortion, are just as careless of life in other ways as the abortionist are.
I can't understand those who want to insist on harassing mothers who have illegitimate children and want to ask girls not to abort. They should support unmarried mother if they want to stop abortion.
I can’t understand those who teach hierarchal behavior and then make light of the power fathers and mothers have to force their daughters to abort, who pretend that daughters should be able to stand up to their parents. Or you teach people to be obedient or to stand up to all others. You can't have it both ways, human nature is not a question of having innate character, it is overwhelmingly a question of education, just look how all the poor and all women have born the yoke of domination throughout the ages, that is proof of how easy it is to dominate people though we like to imagine we are a wonderful animal with lots of character only those educated to lead normally do it.
I have heard of a woman here in Spain of my generation, older than me, who scared by finding herself pregnant, left home and had the child in a different
city where she started up her own hairdressing salon. I think that young women should not have to start out on their own in such very scary way. I would have been terrified to start up on my own in a strange town pregnant and i suppose it easily ends up in less fortunate jobs than that of a hair dresser.
The excuse for hierarchy in some groups is that if a good group could rule they could insist on stopping evils abortion for instance. Abortion is also the excuse for a lot of other things like asking people to support the right. There are religious groups who ask for the vote for the right. Do they know there are more abortions in poor countries or among the poor than in the societies they hate so, that they call materialist but that are also the societies with welfare states and a minimum wage and trade unions and altogether better situation for the poor.
People don’t accept the government of their country through consensus they are allowed to differ, consensus means domineering attitudes, people have to be obliged to agree.
In democracies the poor have an advantage, if the government does not put forward measures that benefit the poor and less powerful, they may be voted out. Historically, in hierarchal societies the poor did very badly though the religious believed that one day charity would help the poor the only thing that has really helped the poor has been things like the minimum wage and the welfare state.
I believe that the churches have established their anti abortion bases in the right, that if their anti abortionists are socialist they convince them to become conservatives because the well fare state takes a lot of money away from the religions whose business is charity and so who lose money if others deal with the poor, others like the government . agri
rose macaskie