Regards, Scott
Scott Stiller wrote:Hello friends. We are all aware of the larger problems with using synthetic fertilizers. What I'm interested in is what if,anything gets out of balance when using them. Thank you
Freya Bennett wrote:
Scott Stiller wrote:Hello friends. We are all aware of the larger problems with using synthetic fertilizers. What I'm interested in is what if,anything gets out of balance when using them. Thank you
Well, using too much nitrogen fertilizers too close to harvest may result in nitrates accumulating in produce. Also, phosphates can leak into water reservoirs and cause abnormal blooming.
I hope it helps, or did you mean something different ?
Casie Becker wrote:
I keep looking at this question and finding it too big to provide a complete answer to. I don't know whether synthetic fertilizers are straight out poisoning the soil life (bacterial, fungal, and small animals) or if they're simply breaking the cycle where the plants provide nurishment to the soil life and causing it to starve out. Continual application of chemical soil has repeatedly been shown to degrade the quality of the soil (many times to the point of desertification). I've never heard of soil biology having this affect.
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Whatever the particular mechanism, synthetic fertilizers lead to a soil that lacks the full suite of life forms that support the health of the plant.
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