My advice: buy the land first and live on it however seems best as a longish term temporary situation...for us it was a concerted bus with a woodstove, which is now an excellent guest space and air bnb rental. Get to know your land. Garden, check out the soil, note the wildlife. Find a cob building project to help out on, preferably from start to finish. Visit other cob structures and talk to the builders. Ask them what they wish they would have done differently. Get a couple good
books (Becky Bee's Cob Builders Handbook is a good primer). Start collecting materials: rocks, tiles, Windows, doors, glass bottles, lumber.
When you have your site picked out, draw plans. Make a scaled model (plasteline, so you can easily "remodel"). Camp on the site, and plan some more. Dig your foundation trench, put in your rubble and French drains. Rally your
volunteer crew, and start building first thing in the spring. Plan for it to take twice as long as you think it will. Both of the 200sq' 2 story cottages we build took two years to build...each. Take the time you need to prepare, gather materials and plan, so that once you start, you can really move forward with the
energy of obsession that building a cob house generates.
Embrace how utterly amazing you are!