If a permie does not have pie
Click the
button on the first post of your thread.
Then, in the little pop-up that comes up, write a note like "Hi staff. Please add this thread to recycling, upcycling and fruit trees."
Editing to add: Paul really would love for people to buy pie to keep permies running. So, if you report a post and ask it to be added to more forums, a staff member might think it's a really cool thing to add your thread to all those forums. But, they might also not add it, or ask you to purchase pie. (It's probably best to not abuse the report button for this
). Note, if you have pie, you can go around cross-referencing any thread you come along to your heart's content. If you see someone's real estate thread and think, "This should also be indexed under the Rockies and Missoula forums!" you can totally do that. Pie is a lovely thing!
If a permie does have pie
Go to the top of the thread you want cross-posted. You'll see a little drop-down menu that says "add to forums." Select the drop-down.
It'll open up a menu. Scroll down and pick a forum that you want it added to. Select that forum, and then click "add to forum." You can repeat this to add it to another forum.