Thanks for those thoughtful answers!
Actually, I got these ideas on my own BEFORE reading anything! So it just stikes me to find some sort of confirmation!
I have had 2 pathways....
1) growing in a dry place. People here could get a crop of potatoes even with no rain, just burriying prickly pears pads / or cutting them in 2 and covering the row with the jelly side on the soil : watering...
Actually, I do not mind the exact composition, it is
enough to see what is jelly for, and I have had chia seeds sprouting in my kitchen sponge!
2) Personal search around my personal "fluid trauma". It has affected my health and nervous system, but then discovered it went further and had deeper consequences for my metabolism, at cell level.
It becomes obvious with the years: I am deshydrated. And no way to drink more, I just
pee more... and I still feel dry and thirsty.
And it happens that a basic metabolism is producing - like a fire when burning - water and
CO2. This is where I miss the water source...
So appart from going to a ketogenic diet, I have looked at ways to hydrate better, and used all those tips I mentionned!
About heavy water, yes too I have heard about it, and more interresting for health seem to be light water, aka DDW, deuterium depleted water. The biggest advocate is Jack Kruse about this subject. I think it is unsustainable to import bottles of DDW, but he consideres that gelatine broth is having the same effect, which correspond to the next informations I have found...
It is difficult to maintain on an everyday basis, as I clearly go up to 3 liters per day, but I already had moment when I slept better with no pee at night + no leg cramping! Being close to zero carb, I do not think it is diabetes, and I am not really thirsty, so I can forget easily to drink. But I have a dry mouth and my tongue shows the chinese medicine sign of a line in its center, indicating dehydration.
It happens that if i go up too much in butter consumtion, the rest fails, because I have to correct the vagus nerve balance for being in a good rest and digest state and produce more of those digestive "fluids"!
As my problem started before birth, I can see clearly my tastes. Gelatine dishes were always a favorite, and oats porridge (before I stopped gluten and then starches) and all sort of wet gelatinous stuffs too.
The meeting of soil health and my health is so similar that I am sure there is something there....