Middle Tennessee - zone 7a
Idle dreamer
It's never too late to start! I retired to homestead on the slopes of Mauna Loa, an active volcano. I relate snippets of my endeavor on my blog : www.kaufarmer.blogspot.com
"Study books and observe nature; if they do not agree, throw away the books." ~ William A. Albrecht
Middle Tennessee - zone 7a
Travis Johnson wrote:
Last week I had my neighbor come up and ask me if he could hunt deer on my land. He has 400 acres of his own land so I thought he was getting a bit greedy, but I still told him he could. My wife asked me why. The reason is, we park tractors worth $270,000 in our distant fields sometimes, if I had said no they would not have had a window left in them; every window would have been shot out. Sometimes people do not look at the bigger picture.
Middle Tennessee - zone 7a
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
It's never too late to start! I retired to homestead on the slopes of Mauna Loa, an active volcano. I relate snippets of my endeavor on my blog : www.kaufarmer.blogspot.com
'Every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain.'
Now that we have farm dogs, that gate allows the dogs to have freedom to do their job. We don't have to worry about them leaving the property.
Standing on the shoulders of giants. Giants with dirt under their nails
Looky! I'm being abducted by space aliens! Me and this tiny ad!
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies